Title 36

PART 223

Part 223 - Sale And Disposal Of National Forest System Timber

PART 223 - SALE AND DISPOSAL OF NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM TIMBER Link to an amendment published at 73 FR 79386, Dec. 29, 2008. Link to an amendment published at 73 FR 79386, Dec. 29, 2008. This amendment was delayed until Mar. 30, 2009 at 74 FR 5107, Jan. 29, 2009. This amendment was further delayed until May 29, 2009 at 74 FR 14049, Mar. 30, 2009. This amendment was delayed indefinitely at 74 FR 26091, June 1, 2009. Authority:90 Stat. 2958, 16 U.S.C. 472a; 98 Stat. 2213, 16 U.S.C. 618, 104 Stat. 714-726, 16 U.S.C. 620-620j, 25 U.S.C. 3055 and 3057, 113 Stat. 1501a, 16 U.S.C. 528 note; unless otherwise noted. Source:42 FR 28252, June 2, 1977, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 49 FR 2760, Jan. 23, 1984.

36: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
36: 223.1
   223.1 Authority to sell timber.
36: 223.2
   223.2 Disposal of timber for administrative use.
36: 223.3
   223.3 Sale of seized material.
36: 223.4
   223.4 Exchange of trees or portions of trees.
36: 223.5
   223.5 Scope of free use granted to individuals.
36: 223.6
   223.6 Cutting and removal of timber in free-use areas.
36: 223.7
   223.7 Permission for free use of timber outside free-use areas.
36: 223.8
   223.8 Delegations of authority to approve free use by individuals.
36: 223.9
   223.9 Free use to owners of certain mining claims.
36: 223.10
   223.10 Free use to Alaskan settlers, miners, residents, and prospectors.
36: 223.11
   223.11 Free use to other Federal agencies.
36: 223.12
   223.12 Permission to cut, damage, or destroy trees without advertisement.
36: 223.13
   223.13 Compliance.
36: 223.14
   223.14 Where timber may be cut.
36: 223.15
   223.15 Provision of trees, portions of trees, or forest products to Indian tribes for traditional and cultural purposes.
36: B
Subpart B - Timber Sale Contracts
36: 7
   Contract Conditions and Provisions
36: 223.30
   223.30 Consistency with plans, environmental standards, and other management requirements.
36: 223.31
   223.31 Duration of contracts.
36: 223.32
   223.32 Timber sale operating plan.
36: 223.33
   223.33 Redetermination of stumpage rates and deposits.
36: 223.34
   223.34 Advance payment.
36: 223.35
   223.35 Performance bond.
36: 223.36
   223.36 Volume determination.
36: 223.37
   223.37 Revegetation of temporary roads.
36: 223.38
   223.38 Standards for road design and construction.
36: 223.39
   223.39 [Reserved]
36: 223.40
   223.40 Cancellation for environmental protection or inconsistency with plans.
36: 223.41
   223.41 Payment when purchaser elects government road construction.
36: 223.42
   223.42 Transfer of effective purchaser credits.
36: 223.43
   223.43 Limitation on amounts of transferred purchaser credit.
36: 223.44
   223.44 Collection rights on contracts involved in transfer of purchase credit.
36: 223.45
   223.45 Definitions applicable to transfer of purchaser credit.
36: 223.46
   223.46 Adjustment of contract termination date.
36: 223.47
   223.47 Date of completion of permanent road construction.
36: 223.48
   223.48 Restrictions on export and substitution of unprocessed timber.
36: 223.49
   223.49 Downpayments.
36: 223.50
   223.50 Periodic payments.
36: 223.51
   223.51 Bid monitoring.
36: 223.52
   223.52 Market-related contract term additions.
36: 223.53
   223.53 Urgent removal contract extensions.
36: 8
   Appraisal and Pricing
36: 223.60
   223.60 Determining fair market value.
36: 223.61
   223.61 Establishing minimum stumpage rates.
36: 223.62
   223.62 Timber purchaser road construction credit.
36: 223.63
   223.63 Advertised rates.
36: 223.64
   223.64 Appraisal on a lump-sum value or rate per unit of measure basis.
36: 223.65
   223.65 Appraisal of timber for land exchange; right-of-way, or other authorized use.
36: 223.66
   223.66 [Reserved]
36: 9
   Advertisement and Bids
36: 223.80
   223.80 When advertisement is required.
36: 223.81
   223.81 Shorter advertising periods in emergencies.
36: 223.82
   223.82 Contents of advertisement.
36: 223.83
   223.83 Contents of prospectus.
36: 223.84
   223.84 Small business bid form provisions on sales with specified road construction.
36: 223.85
   223.85 Noncompetitive sale of timber.
36: 223.86
   223.86 Bid restriction on resale of noncompleted contract.
36: 223.87
   223.87 Requirements of bidders concerning exports.
36: 223.88
   223.88 Bidding methods.
36: 223.89
   223.89 Relation to other bidders.
36: 10
   Award of Contracts
36: 223.100
   223.100 Award to highest bidder.
36: 223.101
   223.101 Determination of purchaser responsibility.
36: 223.102
   223.102 Procedures when sale is not awarded to highest bidder.
36: 223.103
   223.103 Award of small business set-aside sales.
36: 11
   Contract Administration
36: 223.110
   223.110 Delegation to regional forester.
36: 223.111
   223.111 Administration of contracts in designated disaster areas.
36: 223.112
   223.112 Modification of contracts.
36: 223.113
   223.113 Modification of contracts to prevent environmental damage or to conform to forest plans.
36: 223.114
   223.114 Acquisition by third party.
36: 223.115
   223.115 Contract extensions.
36: 223.116
   223.116 Cancellation.
36: 223.117
   223.117 Administration of cooperative or Federal sustained yield units.
36: 223.118
   223.118 Appeal process for small business timber sale set-aside program share recomputation decisions.
36: C
Subpart C - Suspension and Debarment of Timber Purchasers
36: 223.130
   223.130 Scope.
36: 223.131
   223.131 Applicability.
36: 223.132
   223.132 Policy.
36: 223.133
   223.133 Definitions.
36: 223.134
   223.134 List of debarred and suspended purchasers.
36: 223.135
   223.135 Effect of listing.
36: 223.136
   223.136 Debarment.
36: 223.137
   223.137 Causes for debarment.
36: 223.138
   223.138 Procedures for debarment.
36: 223.139
   223.139 Period of debarment.
36: 223.140
   223.140 Scope of debarment.
36: 223.141
   223.141 Suspension.
36: 223.142
   223.142 Causes for suspension.
36: 223.143
   223.143 Procedures for suspension.
36: 223.144
   223.144 Period of suspension.
36: 223.145
   223.145 Scope of suspension.
36: D
Subpart D - Timber Export and Substitution Restrictions
36: 223.159
   223.159 Scope and applicability.
36: 223.160
   223.160 Definitions.
36: 223.161
   223.161 [Reserved]
36: 223.162
   223.162 Limitations on timber harvested from all other states.
36: 223.163
   223.163 [Reserved]
36: 223.164
   223.164 Penalty for falsification.
36: E
Subpart E [Reserved]
36: F
Subpart F - The Forest Resources Conservation and Shortage Relief Act of 1990 Program
36: 223.185
   223.185 Scope and applicability.
36: 223.186
   223.186 Definitions.
36: 223.187
   223.187 Determinations of unprocessed timber.
36: 223.188
   223.188 Prohibitions against exporting unprocessed Federal timber.
36: 223.189
   223.189 Prohibitions against substitution.
36: 223.190
   223.190 Sourcing area application procedures.
36: 223.191
   223.191 Sourcing area disapproval and review procedures.
36: 223.192
   223.192 Procedures for a non-manufacturer.
36: 223.193
   223.193 Procedures for reporting acquisition and disposition of unprocessed Federal timber.
36: 223.194
   223.194 Procedures for reporting the acquisition and disposition of unprocessed private timber.
36: 223.195
   223.195 Procedures for identifying and marking unprocessed timber.
36: 223.196
   223.196 Civil penalties for violation.
36: 223.197
   223.197 Civil penalty assessment procedures.
36: 223.198
   223.198 Administrative remedies.
36: 223.199
   223.199 Procedures for cooperating with other agencies.
36: 223.200
   223.200 Determinations of surplus species.
36: 223.201
   223.201 Limitations on unprocessed timber harvested in Alaska.
36: 223.202
   223.202 Information requirements.
36: 223.203
   223.203 Indirect substitution exception for National Forest System timber from within Washington State.
36: G
Subpart G - XXX
36: H
Subpart H - XXX
36: I
Subpart I - Stewardship End Result Contracting Projects
36: 223.300
   223.300 Applicability.
36: 223.301
   223.301 Determination of type of contract or agreement.
36: 223.302
   223.302 Award of contracts and agreements.
36: 223.303
   223.303 Procurement of service contacts.
36: 223.304
   223.304 Sale of property contracts.
36: 223.305
   223.305 Agreements.