Title 36


Subpart B - Pre-Decisional Administrative Review Process

36: 219.50
   219.50 Purpose and scope.
36: 219.51
   219.51 Plans, plan amendments, or plan revisions not subject to objection.
36: 219.52
   219.52 Giving notice of a plan, plan amendment, or plan revision subject to objection before approval.
36: 219.53
   219.53 Who may file an objection.
36: 219.54
   219.54 Filing an objection.
36: 219.55
   219.55 Objections set aside from review.
36: 219.56
   219.56 Objection time periods and process.
36: 219.57
   219.57 Resolution of objections.
36: 219.58
   219.58 Timing of a plan, plan amendment, or plan revision decision.
36: 219.59
   219.59 Use of other administrative review processes.
36: 219.60
   219.60 Secretary's authority.
36: 219.61
   219.61 Information collection requirements.
36: 219.62
   219.62 Definitions.