Title 36


Subpart A - National Forest System Land Management Planning

36: 219.1
   219.1 Purpose and applicability.
36: 219.2
   219.2 Levels of planning and responsible officials.
36: 219.3
   219.3 Role of science in planning.
36: 219.4
   219.4 Requirements for public participation.
36: 219.5
   219.5 Planning framework.
36: 219.6
   219.6 Assessment.
36: 219.7
   219.7 New plan development or plan revision.
36: 219.8
   219.8 Sustainability.
36: 219.9
   219.9 Diversity of plant and animal communities.
36: 219.10
   219.10 Multiple use.
36: 219.11
   219.11 Timber requirements based on the NFMA.
36: 219.12
   219.12 Monitoring.
36: 219.13
   219.13 Plan amendment and administrative changes.
36: 219.14
   219.14 Decision document and planning records.
36: 219.15
   219.15 Project and activity consistency with the plan.
36: 219.16
   219.16 Public notifications.
36: 219.17
   219.17 Effective dates and transition.
36: 219.18
   219.18 Severability.
36: 219.19
   219.19 Definitions.