Title 36

PART 214

Part 214 - Postdecisional Administrative Review Process For Occupancy Or Use Of National Forest System Lands And Resources

PART 214 - POSTDECISIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW PROCESS FOR OCCUPANCY OR USE OF NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM LANDS AND RESOURCES Authority:7 U.S.C. 1011(f); 16 U.S.C. 472, 551. Source:78 FR 33717, June 5, 2013, unless otherwise noted.

36: 214.1
   214.1 Purpose and scope.
36: 214.2
   214.2 Definitions.
36: 214.3
   214.3 Parties to an appeal.
36: 214.4
   214.4 Decisions that are appealable.
36: 214.5
   214.5 Decisions that are not appealable.
36: 214.6
   214.6 Notice of an appealable decision.
36: 214.7
   214.7 Levels of review.
36: 214.8
   214.8 Appeal content.
36: 214.9
   214.9 Filing of an appeal.
36: 214.10
   214.10 Dismissal of an appeal.
36: 214.11
   214.11 Intervention.
36: 214.12
   214.12 Responsive statement and reply.
36: 214.13
   214.13 Stays.
36: 214.14
   214.14 Conduct of an appeal.
36: 214.15
   214.15 Resolution of issues prior to an appeal decision.
36: 214.16
   214.16 Oral presentation.
36: 214.17
   214.17 Appeal record.
36: 214.18
   214.18 Appeal decision.
36: 214.19
   214.19 Procedures for discretionary review.
36: 214.20
   214.20 Exhaustion of administrative remedies.
36: 214.21
   214.21 Information collection requirements.
36: 214.22
   214.22 Applicability and effective date.