Title 36


Subpart B - Designation of Roads, Trails, and Areas for Motor Vehicle Use Authority:7 U.S.C. 1011(f), 16 U.S.C. 551, E.O. 11644, 11989 (42 FR 26959). Source:70 FR 68288, Nov. 9, 2005, unless otherwise noted.

36: 212.50
   212.50 Purpose, scope, and definitions.
36: 212.51
   212.51 Designation of roads, trails, and areas.
36: 212.52
   212.52 Public involvement.
36: 212.53
   212.53 Coordination with Federal, State, county, and other local governmental entities and tribal governments.
36: 212.54
   212.54 Revision of designations.
36: 212.55
   212.55 Criteria for designation of roads, trails, and areas.
36: 212.56
   212.56 Identification of designated roads, trails, and areas.
36: 212.57
   212.57 Monitoring of effects of motor vehicle use on designated roads and trails and in designated areas.