Title 36


Subpart B - Protection of Privacy and Access to Individual Records Under the Privacy Act of 1974

36: 1600.21
   1600.21 General provisions.
36: 1600.22
   1600.22 Requests for access to records.
36: 1600.23
   1600.23 Responsibility for responding to requests for access to records.
36: 1600.24
   1600.24 Responses to requests for access to records.
36: 1600.25
   1600.25 Appeals from denials of requests for access to records.
36: 1600.26
   1600.26 Requests for amendment or correction of records.
36: 1600.27
   1600.27 Requests for an accounting of record disclosures.
36: 1600.28
   1600.28 Preservation of records.
36: 1600.29
   1600.29 Fees.
36: 1600.30
   1600.30 Notice of court-ordered and emergency disclosures.