Title 36


Subpart A - General Transfer Requirements

36: 1235.1
   1235.1 What are the authorities for part 1235
36: 1235.2
   1235.2 What definitions apply to this part
36: 1235.3
   1235.3 What standards are used as guidance for this part
36: 1235.4
   1235.4 What publications are incorporated by reference in this part
36: 1235.10
   1235.10 What records do agencies transfer to the National Archives of the United States
36: 1235.12
   1235.12 When must agencies transfer records to the National Archives of the United States
36: 1235.14
   1235.14 May agencies retain records for the conduct of regular agency business after they are eligible for transfer
36: 1235.16
   1235.16 How will NARA respond to an agency's request to retain records
36: 1235.18
   1235.18 How do agencies transfer records to the National Archives of the United States
36: 1235.20
   1235.20 How do agencies indicate that transferred records contain information that is restricted from public access
36: 1235.22
   1235.22 When does legal custody of records transfer to NARA