Title 36
Subpart E - Discrimination on the Basis of Sex in Employment in Education Programs or Activities Prohibited
- 20 U.S.C. 1681, 1682, 1683, 1685, 1686, 1687, 1688.
- 65 FR 52865, 52886, Aug. 30, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
36: | SECTION 1211.500 | 1211.500 Employment. | |
36: | SECTION 1211.505 | 1211.505 Employment criteria. | |
36: | SECTION 1211.510 | 1211.510 Recruitment. | |
36: | SECTION 1211.515 | 1211.515 Compensation. | |
36: | SECTION 1211.520 | 1211.520 Job classification and structure. | |
36: | SECTION 1211.525 | 1211.525 Fringe benefits. | |
36: | SECTION 1211.530 | 1211.530 Marital or parental status. | |
36: | SECTION 1211.535 | 1211.535 Effect of state or local law or other requirements. | |
36: | SECTION 1211.540 | 1211.540 Advertising. | |
36: | SECTION 1211.545 | 1211.545 Pre-employment inquiries. | |
36: | SECTION 1211.550 | 1211.550 Sex as a bona fide occupational qualification. |