Title 36

PART 1206

Part 1206 - National Historical Publications And Records Commission

PART 1206 - NATIONAL HISTORICAL PUBLICATIONS AND RECORDS COMMISSION Authority:5 U.S.C. 301; 44 U.S.C. 2104(a); 44 U.S.C. 2501-2506; 2 CFR 200, and as noted in specific sections. Source:71 FR 27624, May 12, 2006, unless otherwise noted.

36: A
Subpart A - General
36: 1206.1
   1206.1 What does this part cover
36: 1206.3
   1206.3 What definitions apply to the regulations in Part 1206
36: 1206.4
   1206.4 What is the purpose of the Commission
36: 1206.5
   1206.5 Who serves on the Commission
36: 1206.6
   1206.6 How do you organize the grant program
36: 1206.8
   1206.8 How do you operate the grant program
36: 1206.10
   1206.10 How do you make grant opportunities known
36: 1206.11
   1206.11 How may an applicant apply for an NHPRC grant
36: 1206.12
   1206.12 What are my responsibilities once I have received a grant
36: B
Subpart B - Publications Grants
36: 1206.20
   1206.20 What are the scope and purpose of publications grants
36: 1206.22
   1206.22 What type of proposal is eligible for a publications grant
36: 1206.24
   1206.24 What type of proposal is ineligible for a publications grant
36: C
Subpart C - Records Grants
36: 1206.30
   1206.30 What is the scope and purpose of records grants
36: 1206.32
   1206.32 What type of proposal is eligible for a records grant
36: 1206.34
   1206.34 What type of proposal is ineligible for a records grant
36: D
Subpart D - State Records Program
36: 1206.40
   1206.40 What is a State records program
36: 1206.41
   1206.41 What is a state historical records advisory board and how is it constituted
36: 1206.42
   1206.42 What is a State Coordinator
36: 1206.43
   1206.43 What are the duties of the deputy State coordinator
36: 1206.44
   1206.44 Who is eligible for sub-grants
36: 1206.45
   1206.45 What rules govern sub-grant distribution, cost sharing, grant administration, and reporting
36: E
Subpart E - Applying for NHPRC Grants
36: 1206.50
   1206.50 What types of funding and cost sharing arrangements does the Commission make
36: 1206.52
   1206.52 Does the Commission ever place conditions on its grants
36: 1206.54
   1206.54 Who may apply for NHPRC grants
36: 1206.56
   1206.56 When are applications due
36: 1206.58
   1206.58 How do I apply for a grant
36: 1206.60
   1206.60 What must I provide as a formal grant application
36: 1206.62
   1206.62 Who reviews and evaluates grant proposals
36: 1206.64
   1206.64 What formal notification will I receive, and will it contain other information
36: F
Subpart F - Grant Administration
36: 1206.70
   1206.70 Who is responsible for administration of NHPRC grants
36: 1206.72
   1206.72 Where can I find the regulatory requirements that apply to NHPRC grants
36: 1206.74
   1206.74 Do I need prior written approval for changes to the grant project
36: 1206.76
   1206.76 May I receive an extension to my grant project
36: 1206.80
   1206.80 What reports am I required to make
36: 1206.82
   1206.82 What is the format and content of the financial report
36: 1206.84
   1206.84 What is the format and content of the narrative report
36: 1206.86
   1206.86 What additional materials must I submit with the final narrative report
36: 1206.88
   1206.88 Does the NHPRC have any liability under a grant
36: 1206.90
   1206.90 Must I acknowledge NHPRC grant support