Title 36

PART 1202

Part 1202 - Regulations Implementing The Privacy Act Of 1974

PART 1202 - REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTING THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 Authority:5 U.S.C. 552a; 44 U.S.C. 2104(a). Source:66 FR 65652, Dec. 20, 2001, unless otherwise noted.

36: A
Subpart A - General Information About the Privacy Act
36: 1202.1
   1202.1 What does this part cover
36: 1202.2
   1202.2 What this part does not cover.
36: 1202.4
   1202.4 Definitions.
36: 1202.6
   1202.6 Whom should I contact for Privacy Act matters at NARA
36: 1202.8
   1202.8 How does NARA handle records that are in Government-wide Privacy Act systems
36: 1202.10
   1202.10 Does NARA handle access to and disclosure of records of defunct agencies in the custody of NARA
36: B
Subpart B - Collecting Information
36: 1202.18
   1202.18 How does NARA collect information about individuals
36: 1202.20
   1202.20 What advisory information does NARA provide before collecting information from me
36: 1202.22
   1202.22 Will NARA need my Social Security Number
36: 1202.24
   1202.24 Will NARA ever request information about me from someone else
36: 1202.26
   1202.26 Who will make sure that my record is accurate
36: 1202.28
   1202.28 What rules do NARA employees follow in managing personal information
36: 1202.30
   1202.30 How does NARA safeguard its systems of records
36: C
Subpart C - Individual Access to Records
36: 1202.40
   1202.40 How can I gain access to NARA records about myself
36: 1202.42
   1202.42 How are requests for access to medical records handled
36: 1202.44
   1202.44 How long will it take for NARA to process my request
36: 1202.46
   1202.46 In what ways will NARA provide access
36: 1202.48
   1202.48 Will I have to pay for copies of records
36: 1202.50
   1202.50 Does NARA require prepayment of fees
36: 1202.52
   1202.52 How do I pay
36: 1202.54
   1202.54 On what grounds can NARA deny my Privacy Act request
36: 1202.56
   1202.56 How do I appeal a denial of my Privacy Act request
36: 1202.58
   1202.58 How are appeals processed
36: D
Subpart D - Disclosure of Records
36: 1202.60
   1202.60 When does NARA disclose a record in a Privacy Act system of records
36: 1202.62
   1202.62 What are the procedures for disclosure of records to a third party
36: 1202.64
   1202.64 How do I appeal a denial of disclosure
36: 1202.66
   1202.66 How does NARA keep account of disclosures
36: E
Subpart E - Request To Amend Records
36: 1202.70
   1202.70 Whom should I contact at NARA to amend records about myself
36: 1202.72
   1202.72 How does NARA handle requests to amend records
36: 1202.74
   1202.74 How will I know if NARA approved my amendment request
36: 1202.76
   1202.76 Can NARA deny my request for amendment
36: 1202.78
   1202.78 How do I accept an alternative amendment
36: 1202.80
   1202.80 How do I appeal the denial of a request to amend a record
36: 1202.82
   1202.82 How do I file a Statement of Disagreement
36: 1202.84
   1202.84 Can I seek judicial review
36: F
Subpart F - Exemptions
36: 1202.90
   1202.90 What NARA systems of records are exempt from release under the National Security Exemption of the Privacy Act
36: 1202.92
   1202.92 What NARA systems of records are exempt from release under the Law Enforcement Exemption of the Privacy Act
36: 1202.94
   1202.94 What NARA systems of records are exempt from release under the Investigatory Information Material exemption of the Privacy Act