Title 36

PART 1155

Part 1155 - Guidance Procedures

PART 1155 - GUIDANCE PROCEDURES Authority:29 U.S.C. 792; E.O. 13891, 84 FR 55235, 3 CFR, 2019 Comp., p. 371; 36 CFR 1151.3. Source:85 FR 59188, Sept. 21, 2020, unless otherwise noted.

36: 1155.1
   1155.1 Purpose.
36: 1155.2
   1155.2 Definitions.
36: 1155.3
   1155.3 Legal review by Office of General Counsel.
36: 1155.4
   1155.4 Requirements applicable to all guidance documents.
36: 1155.5
   1155.5 Public availability of guidance documents.
36: 1155.6
   1155.6 Significance determinations.
36: 1155.7
   1155.7 Additional requirements applicable to significant guidance documents.
36: 1155.8
   1155.8 Notice-and-comment procedures.
36: 1155.9
   1155.9 Petitions for modification or withdrawal.
36: 1155.10
   1155.10 No private right of action.