Title 36

PART 1008

Part 1008 - Requests Under The Privacy Act

PART 1008 - REQUESTS UNDER THE PRIVACY ACT Authority:Pub. L. 104-333, 110 Stat. 4097 (16 U.S.C. 460bb note); 5 U.S.C. 552a. Source:63 FR 71779, Dec. 30, 1998, unless otherwise noted.

36: 1008.1
   1008.1 Purpose and scope.
36: 1008.2
   1008.2 Definitions.
36: 1008.3
   1008.3 Records subject to the Privacy Act.
36: 1008.4
   1008.4 Standards for maintenance of records subject to the Privacy Act.
36: 1008.5
   1008.5 Federal Register notices describing systems of records.
36: 1008.6
   1008.6 Assuring integrity of records.
36: 1008.7
   1008.7 Conduct of employees.
36: 1008.8
   1008.8 Government contracts.
36: 1008.9
   1008.9 Disclosure of records.
36: 1008.10
   1008.10 Accounting for disclosures.
36: 1008.11
   1008.11 Request for notification of existence of records: Submission.
36: 1008.12
   1008.12 Requests for notification of existence of records: Action on.
36: 1008.13
   1008.13 Requests for access to records.
36: 1008.14
   1008.14 Requests for access to records: Submission.
36: 1008.15
   1008.15 Requests for access to records: Initial decision.
36: 1008.16
   1008.16 Requests for notification of existence of records and for access to records: Appeals.
36: 1008.17
   1008.17 Requests for access to records: Special situations.
36: 1008.18
   1008.18 Amendment of records.
36: 1008.19
   1008.19 Petitions for amendment: Submission and form.
36: 1008.20
   1008.20 Petitions for amendment: Processing and initial decision.
36: 1008.21
   1008.21 Petitions for amendment: Time limits for processing.
36: 1008.22
   1008.22 Petitions for amendment: Appeals.
36: 1008.23
   1008.23 Petitions for amendment: Action on appeals.
36: 1008.24
   1008.24 Statements of disagreement.