Title 36

PART 1005

Part 1005 - Commercial And Private Operations

PART 1005 - COMMERCIAL AND PRIVATE OPERATIONS Authority:Pub. L. 104-333, 110 Stat. 4097 (16 U.S.C. 460bb note). Source:63 FR 35710, June 30, 1998, unless otherwise noted.

36: 1005.1
   1005.1 Advertisements.
36: 1005.2
   1005.2 Alcoholic beverages; sale of intoxicants.
36: 1005.3
   1005.3 Business operations.
36: 1005.4
   1005.4 Commercial passenger-carrying motor vehicles.
36: 1005.5
   1005.5 Commercial photography.
36: 1005.6
   1005.6 Commercial vehicles.
36: 1005.7
   1005.7 Construction of buildings or other facilities.
36: 1005.8
   1005.8 Discrimination in employment practices.
36: 1005.9
   1005.9 Discrimination in furnishing public accommodations and transportation services.
36: 1005.10-1005.12
   1005.10-1005.12 [Reserved]
36: 1005.13
   1005.13 Nuisances.
36: 1005.14
   1005.14 Prospecting, mining, and mineral leasing.