Title 34


Subpart C - Requirements, Standards, and Payments for Direct Loan Program Schools

34: 685.300
   685.300 Agreements between an eligible school and the Secretary for participation in the Direct Loan Program.
34: 685.301
   685.301 Origination of a loan by a Direct Loan Program school.
34: 685.302
   685.302 [Reserved]
34: 685.303
   685.303 Processing loan proceeds.
34: 685.304
   685.304 Counseling borrowers.
34: 685.305
   685.305 Determining the date of a student's withdrawal.
34: 685.306
   685.306 Payment of a refund or return of title IV, HEA program funds to the Secretary.
34: 685.307
   685.307 Withdrawal procedure for schools participating in the Direct Loan Program.
34: 685.308
   685.308 Remedial actions.
34: 685.309
   685.309 Administrative and fiscal control and fund accounting requirements for schools participating in the Direct Loan Program.
34: 685.310
   685.310 Severability.