Title 34

PART 395

Part 395 - Vending Facility Program For The Blind On Federal And Other Property

PART 395 - VENDING FACILITY PROGRAM FOR THE BLIND ON FEDERAL AND OTHER PROPERTY Authority:Sec. 2, 49 Stat. 1559, as amended; 20 U.S.C. 107a. Source:42 FR 15802, Mar. 23, 1977, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 45 FR 77369, Nov. 21, 1980, and further redesignated at 46 FR 5417, Jan. 19, 1981.

34: A
Subpart A - Definitions
34: 395.1
   395.1 Terms.
34: B
Subpart B - The State Licensing Agency
34: 395.2
   395.2 Application for designation as a State licensing agency; general.
34: 395.3
   395.3 Application for designation as State licensing agency; content.
34: 395.4
   395.4 State rules and regulations.
34: 395.5
   395.5 Approval of application for designation as State licensing agency.
34: 395.6
   395.6 Vendor ownership of vending facilities.
34: 395.7
   395.7 The issuance and conditions of licenses.
34: 395.8
   395.8 Distribution and use of income from vending machines on Federal property.
34: 395.9
   395.9 The setting aside of funds by the State licensing agency.
34: 395.10
   395.10 The maintenance and replacement of vending facility equipment.
34: 395.11
   395.11 Training program for blind individuals.
34: 395.12
   395.12 Access to program and financial information.
34: 395.13
   395.13 Evidentiary hearings and arbitration of vendor complaints.
34: 395.14
   395.14 The State Committee of Blind Vendors.
34: 395.15
   395.15 Use of nominee agreements.
34: 395.16
   395.16 Permit for the establishment of vending facilities.
34: 395.17
   395.17 Suspension of designation as State licensing agency.
34: C
Subpart C - Federal Property Management
34: 395.30
   395.30 The location and operation of vending facilities for blind vendors on Federal property.
34: 395.31
   395.31 Acquisition and occupation of Federal property.
34: 395.32
   395.32 Collection and distribution of vending machine income from vending machines on Federal property.
34: 395.33
   395.33 Operation of cafeterias by blind vendors.
34: 395.34
   395.34 Application for permits.
34: 395.35
   395.35 Terms of permit.
34: 395.36
   395.36 Enforcement procedures.
34: 395.37
   395.37 Arbitration of State licensing agency complaints.
34: 395.38
   395.38 Reports.