Title 34


Subpart D - What Conditions Must Be Met After an Award?

34: 386.30
   386.30 What are the matching requirements
34: 386.31
   386.31 What are the requirements for directing grant funds
34: 386.32
   386.32 What are allowable costs
34: 386.33
   386.33 What are the requirements for grantees in disbursing scholarships
34: 386.34
   386.34 What assurances must be provided by a grantee that intends to provide scholarships
34: 386.35
   386.35 What information must be provided by a grantee that is an institution of higher education to assist designated State agencies
34: 386.36
   386.36 What is a grantee's liability for failing to provide accurate and complete scholar information to the Department