Title 34


Subpart E - What Conditions Must Be Met by a Grantee?

34: 385.40
   385.40 What are the requirements pertaining to the membership of a project advisory committee
34: 385.41
   385.41 What are the requirements affecting the collection of data from designated State agencies
34: 385.42
   385.42 What are the requirements affecting the dissemination of training materials
34: 385.43
   385.43 What requirements apply to the training of rehabilitation counselors and other rehabilitation personnel
34: 385.44
   385.44 What requirement applies to the training of individuals with disabilities
34: 385.45
   385.45 What additional application requirements apply to the training of individuals for rehabilitation careers
34: 385.46
   385.46 What limitations apply to the rate of pay for experts or consultants appointed or serving under contract under the Rehabilitation Training program