Title 34


Subpart D - Unified and Combined State Plans Under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Authority:Secs. 102, 103, and 503, Pub. L. 113-128, 128 Stat. 1425 (Jul. 22, 2014). Source:81 FR 56022, Aug. 19, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

34: 361.100
   361.100 What are the purposes of the Unified and Combined State Plans
34: 361.105
   361.105 What are the general requirements for the Unified State Plan
34: 361.110
   361.110 What are the program-specific requirements in the Unified State Plan for the adult, dislocated worker, and youth programs authorized under Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act title I
34: 361.115
   361.115 What are the program-specific requirements in the Unified State Plan for the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act program authorized under Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act title II
34: 361.120
   361.120 What are the program-specific requirements in the Unified State Plan for the Employment Service program authorized under the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended by Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act title III
34: 361.125
   361.125 What are the program-specific requirements in the Unified State Plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation program authorized under title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act title IV
34: 361.130
   361.130 What is the development, submission, and approval process of the Unified State Plan
34: 361.135
   361.135 What are the requirements for modification of the Unified State Plan
34: 361.140
   361.140 What are the general requirements for submitting a Combined State Plan
34: 361.143
   361.143 What is the development, submission, and approval process of the Combined State Plan
34: 361.145
   361.145 What are the requirements for modifications of the Combined State Plan