Title 34


Subpart H - State Monitoring and Enforcement; Federal Monitoring and Enforcement; Reporting; and Allocation of Funds

34: 130
Federal and State Monitoring and Enforcement
34: 303.700
   303.700 State monitoring and enforcement.
34: 303.701
   303.701 State performance plans and data collection.
34: 303.702
   303.702 State use of targets and reporting.
34: 303.703
   303.703 Secretary's review and determination regarding State performance.
34: 303.704
   303.704 Enforcement.
34: 303.705
   303.705 Withholding funds.
34: 303.706
   303.706 Public attention.
34: 303.707
   303.707 Rule of construction.
34: 303.708
   303.708 State enforcement.
34: 131
Reports - Program Information
34: 303.720
   303.720 Data requirements - general.
34: 303.721
   303.721 Annual report of children served - report requirement.
34: 303.722
   303.722 Data reporting.
34: 303.723
   303.723 Annual report of children served - certification.
34: 303.724
   303.724 Annual report of children served - other responsibilities of the lead agency.
34: 132
Allocation of Funds
34: 303.730
   303.730 Formula for State allocations.
34: 303.731
   303.731 Payments to Indians.
34: 303.732
   303.732 State allotments.
34: 303.733
   303.733 Reallotment of funds.
34: 303.734
   303.734 Reservation for State incentive grants.