Title 34


Subpart B - State Eligibility for a Grant and Requirements for a Statewide System

34: 103
General Authority and Eligibility
34: 303.100
   303.100 General authority.
34: 303.101
   303.101 State eligibility - requirements for a grant under this part.
34: 104
State Conformity With Part C of the Act and Abrogation of State Sovereign Immunity
34: 303.102
   303.102 State conformity with Part C of the Act.
34: 303.103
   303.103 Abrogation of State sovereign immunity.
34: 105
Equipment and Construction
34: 303.104
   303.104 Acquisition of equipment and construction or alteration of facilities.
34: 106
Positive Efforts To Employ and Advance Qualified Individuals With Disabilities
34: 303.105
   303.105 Positive efforts to employ and advance qualified individuals with disabilities.
34: 107
Minimum Components of a Statewide System
34: 303.110
   303.110 Minimum components of a statewide system.
34: 303.111
   303.111 State definition of developmental delay.
34: 303.112
   303.112 Availability of early intervention services.
34: 303.113
   303.113 Evaluation, assessment, and nondiscriminatory procedures.
34: 303.114
   303.114 Individualized family service plan (IFSP).
34: 303.115
   303.115 Comprehensive child find system.
34: 303.116
   303.116 Public awareness program.
34: 303.117
   303.117 Central directory.
34: 303.118
   303.118 Comprehensive system of personnel development (CSPD).
34: 303.119
   303.119 Personnel standards.
34: 303.120
   303.120 Lead agency role in supervision, monitoring, funding, interagency coordination, and other responsibilities.
34: 303.121
   303.121 Policy for contracting or otherwise arranging for services.
34: 303.122
   303.122 Reimbursement procedures.
34: 303.123
   303.123 Procedural safeguards.
34: 303.124
   303.124 Data collection.
34: 303.125
   303.125 State interagency coordinating council.
34: 303.126
   303.126 Early intervention services in natural environments.