Title 34


Appendix D to Part 300 - Maintenance of Effort and Early Intervening Services

34: : Appendix D

Appendix D to Part 300 - Maintenance of Effort and Early Intervening Services

LEAs that seek to reduce their local maintenance of effort in accordance with § 300.205(d) and use some of their Part B funds for early intervening services under § 300.226 must do so with caution because the local maintenance of effort reduction provision and the authority to use Part B funds for early intervening services are interconnected. The decisions that an LEA makes about the amount of funds that it uses for one purpose affect the amount that it may use for the other. Below are examples that illustrate how §§ 300.205(d) and 300.226(a) affect one another.

Example 1:In this example, the amount that is 15 percent of the LEA's total grant (see § 300.226(a)), which is the maximum amount that the LEA may use for early intervening services (EIS), is greater than the amount that may be used for local maintenance of effort (MOE) reduction (50 percent of the increase in the LEA's grant from the prior year's grant) (see § 300.205(a)).
Prior Year's Allocation $900,000.
Current Year's Allocation 1,000,000.
Increase 100,000.
Maximum Available for MOE Reduction 50,000.
Maximum Available for EIS 150,000.