Title 34

PART 225

Part 225 - Credit Enhancement For Charter School Facilities Program

PART 225 - CREDIT ENHANCEMENT FOR CHARTER SCHOOL FACILITIES PROGRAM Authority:20 U.S.C. 1221e-3, 1232, and 7221c. Source:70 FR 15003, Mar. 24, 2005, unless otherwise noted.

34: A
Subpart A - General
34: 225.1
   225.1 What is the Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program
34: 225.2
   225.2 Who is eligible to receive a grant
34: 225.3
   225.3 What regulations apply to the Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program
34: 225.4
   225.4 What definitions apply to the Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program
34: B
Subpart B - How Does the Secretary Award a Grant
34: 225.10
   225.10 How does the Secretary evaluate an application
34: 225.11
   225.11 What selection criteria does the Secretary use in evaluating an application for a Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities grant
34: 225.12
   225.12 What funding priority may the Secretary use in making a grant award
34: C
Subpart C - What Conditions Must Be Met by a Grantee
34: 225.20
   225.20 When may a grantee draw down funds
34: 225.21
   225.21 What are some examples of impermissible uses of reserve account funds