Title 34
Subpart E - General Provisions Source: 67 FR 71738, Dec. 2, 2002, unless otherwise noted.
- 20 U.S.C. 6301 through 6576, unless otherwise noted.
- Source: 60 FR 34802, July 3, 1995, unless otherwise noted.
34: | SUBJGRP 136 | Innovative Assessment Demonstration Authority | |
34: | SECTION 200.100 | 200.100 Reservation of funds for school improvement, State administration, and direct student services. | |
34: | SECTION 200.101-200.102 | 200.101-200.102 [Reserved] | |
34: | SECTION 200.103 | 200.103 Definitions. | |
34: | SECTION 200.104 | 200.104 Innovative assessment demonstration authority. | |
34: | SECTION 200.105 | 200.105 Demonstration authority application requirements. | |
34: | SECTION 200.106 | 200.106 Demonstration authority selection criteria. | |
34: | SECTION 200.107 | 200.107 Transition to statewide use. | |
34: | SECTION 200.108 | 200.108 Extension, waivers, and withdrawal of authority. | |
34: | SECTION 200.109 | 200.109 [Reserved] |