Title 34


Subpart E - Discrimination on the Basis of Sex in Employment in Education Programs or Activities Prohibited

34: 106.51
   106.51 Employment.
34: 106.52
   106.52 Employment criteria.
34: 106.53
   106.53 Recruitment.
34: 106.54
   106.54 Compensation.
34: 106.55
   106.55 Job classification and structure.
34: 106.56
   106.56 Fringe benefits.
34: 106.57
   106.57 Marital or parental status.
34: 106.58
   106.58 Effect of State or local law or other requirements.
34: 106.59
   106.59 Advertising.
34: 106.60
   106.60 Pre-employment inquiries.
34: 106.61
   106.61 Sex as a bona-fide occupational qualification.
34: 106.62
   106.62 Severability.