Appendix C to Part 230 - Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft EIS
33: : Appendix C
Appendix C to Part 230 - Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft EIS
1. Purpose. This appendix provides guidance on the
preparation and processing of a notice of intent to prepare a draft
EIS for publication in the Federal Register. A notice of intent to
prepare a draft EIS or a draft supplement is discussed in 40 CFR
2. Procedure. District commanders shall publish a notice
of intent in the Federal Register as soon as practicable after a
decision is made to prepare a draft EIS or draft supplement. See 40
CFR 1507.3(e) for timing of notice of intent for Corps feasibility
studies. Guidance on the format and content of the notice in the
form of a sample notice of intent is contained in paragraph 4 of
this appendix. District commanders shall also follow this guidance
when publishing a notice of intent to withdraw a notice of intent
when a decision has been made to terminate the EIS process.
3. Publishing Documents in the Federal Register. The
following information is furnished for preparation and publication
of notices of intent in the Federal Register:
a. A brief transmittal letter inclosing three (3) signed copies
of the notice of intent should be processed through local Chief,
Information Management channels to: HQDA, SFIS-APP, ATTN:
Department of the Army Liaison Officer with the Office of the
Federal Register, Alexandria, VA 22331-0302. This office will
review and correct (if needed) all documents prior to publication
in the Federal Register.
b. The notice must be signed by the official issuing the
document along with the signer's typed name, rank and position
title for military officials or name and position title for
civilian officials. A signer cannot sign “as acting” or “for” if
another name is shown in the signature block. All three copies sent
forward must be signed in ink. A xerox copy of the signature is not
c. A six-digit billing code number must be typed or handwritten
in ink at the top of the first page on all three copies of a
notice. This billing code number can be found on GPO bills, GPO
Form 400, in the upper left corner opposite the address. The
billing code number will be indicated as 3710-XX. FOAs must submit
an open-end printing and binding requisition, Standard Form 1, each
fiscal year to cover Federal Register printing costs (reference
3(n)). Completed requisitions (SF-1) must be forwarded to reach
HQUSACE (CEIM-SP) WASH DC 20314-1000 by 1 June of each year.
Consult the local chief, Information Management for Assistance.
4. Sample Notice of Intent. The following is a sample
notice of intent to be used by district commanders:
Department of Defense Corps of Engineer, Department of the Army,
3710-XX (Use Local Billing Code Number)
Intent To Prepare A Draft Environment Impact Statement (DEIS)
For a Proposed (Name and location of project, permit or
Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
Action: Notice of Intent.
Summary: The summary should briefly state in simple language
what action is being taken, why the action is necessary, and the
intended effect of the action. Extensive discussion belongs under
the Supplementary Information caption.
For Further Information Contact: Questions about the proposed
action and DEIS can be answered by: (Provide name, telephone
number, and address of the person in the district or division who
can answer questions about the proposed action and the DEIS).
Supplementary Information: The Supplementary Information should
contain the remainder of the necessary information of the document.
It should contain any authority citation, Federal Register citation
to a previously published document, or CFR citation when
appropriate and include a discussion of the following topics:
1. Briefly describe the proposed action.
2. Briefly describe reasonable alternatives.
3. Briefly describe the Corps' scoping process which is
reasonably foreseeable for the DEIS under consideration. The
a. Shall discuss the proposed public involvement program and
invite the participation of affected Federal, state and local
agencies, affected Indian tribes, and other interested private
organizations and parties.
b. Shall identify significant issues to be analyzed in depth in
the DEIS.
c. May discuss possible assignments for input into the EIS under
consideration among the lead and cooperating agencies.
d. Shall identify other environmental review and consultation
4. Indicate whether or not a scoping meeting will be held.
Indicate time, date and location if a meeting is scheduled.
5. Provide an estimated date when the DEIS will be made
available to the public.
(Provide date) (Signature) See par. 3.b. for instructions on
signature Note
• Text to be double-spaced. Use block format.
• Place local billing code number at the top of the first page
on all three copies.
• Margins - one inch on top, bottom and right side; and one and
one-half inches on the left side.
• Pages must be numbered consecutively.
• Text should be typed on one side only.
• Use 8 1/2 by 11 inch bond paper or photocopy paper.