Title 32

PART 770

Part 770 - Rules Limiting Public Access To Particular Installations

PART 770 - RULES LIMITING PUBLIC ACCESS TO PARTICULAR INSTALLATIONS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301; 10 U.S.C. 6011; 32 CFR 700.702; 32 CFR 700.714, unless otherwise noted.

32: A
Subpart A - Hunting and Fishing at Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia
32: 770.1
   770.1 Purpose.
32: 770.2
   770.2 Licenses.
32: 770.3
   770.3 Fishing regulations.
32: 770.4
   770.4 Hunting regulations.
32: 770.5
   770.5 Safety regulations.
32: 770.6
   770.6 Restrictions.
32: 770.7
   770.7 Violations and environmental regulations.
32: 770.8
   770.8 Reports.
32: 770.9
   770.9 Miscellaneous.
32: B
Subpart B - Base Entry Regulations for Naval Submarine Base, Bangor, Silverdale, Washington
32: 770.15
   770.15 Purpose.
32: 770.16
   770.16 Definition.
32: 770.17
   770.17 Background.
32: 770.18
   770.18 Entry restrictions.
32: 770.19
   770.19 Entry procedures.
32: 770.20
   770.20 Violations.
32: C
Subpart C - Base Entry Regulations for Naval Installations in the State of Hawaii
32: 770.25
   770.25 Purpose.
32: 770.26
   770.26 Definitions.
32: 770.27
   770.27 Background.
32: 770.28
   770.28 Entry restrictions.
32: 770.29
   770.29 Entry procedures.
32: 770.30
   770.30 Violations.
32: 770.31
   770.31 List of major naval installations in the State of Hawaii and cognizant commanders authorized to grant access under these regulations.
32: D
Subpart D - Entry Regulations for Naval Installations and Property in Puerto Rico
32: 770.35
   770.35 Purpose.
32: 770.36
   770.36 Definitions.
32: 770.37
   770.37 Background.
32: 770.38
   770.38 Entry restrictions.
32: 770.39
   770.39 Entry procedures.
32: 770.40
   770.40 Violations.
32: E
Subpart E - Base Entry Regulations for Naval Submarine Base New London, Groton, Connecticut
32: 770.41
   770.41 Purpose.
32: 770.42
   770.42 Background.
32: 770.43
   770.43 Responsibility.
32: 770.44
   770.44 Entry restrictions.
32: 770.45
   770.45 Entry procedures.
32: 770.46
   770.46 Violations.
32: F
Subpart F - Base Entry Regulations for Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, Washington
32: 770.47
   770.47 Purpose.
32: 770.48
   770.48 Definition.
32: 770.49
   770.49 Background.
32: 770.50
   770.50 Entry restrictions.
32: 770.51
   770.51 Entry procedures.
32: 770.52
   770.52 Violations.
32: G
Subpart G - Entry Regulations for Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
32: 770.53
   770.53 Purpose.
32: 770.54
   770.54 Background.
32: 770.55
   770.55 Responsibility.
32: 770.56
   770.56 Entry restrictions.
32: 770.57
   770.57 Entry procedures.
32: 770.58
   770.58 Violations.