Title 32


Part 70 - Discharge Review Board (drb) Procedures And Standards

PART 70 - DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD (DRB) PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS Authority:10 U.S.C. 1553 and 38 U.S.C. 101 and 3103, as amended. Source:47 FR 37785, Aug. 26, 1982, unless otherwise noted.

32: 70.1
   70.1 Reissuance and purpose.
32: 70.2
   70.2 Applicability.
32: 70.3
   70.3 Definitions.
32: 70.4
   70.4 Responsibilities.
32: 70.5
   70.5 Procedures.
32: 70.6
   70.6 Information requirements.
32: 70.7
   70.7 Effective date and implementation.
32: 70.8
   70.8 Discharge review procedures.
32: 70.9
   70.9 Discharge review standards.
32: 70.10
   70.10 Complaints concerning decisional documents and index entries.
32: 70.11
   70.11 DoD semiannual report.