32: | SECTION 536.96
| 536.96 Statutory authority for the National Guard Claims Act. | |
32: | SECTION 536.97
| 536.97 Scope for claims under the National Guard Claims Act. | |
32: | SECTION 536.98
| 536.98 Claims payable under the National Guard Claims Act. | |
32: | SECTION 536.99
| 536.99 Claims not payable under the National Guard Claims Act. | |
32: | SECTION 536.100
| 536.100 Applicable law for claims under the National Guard Claims Act. | |
32: | SECTION 536.101
| 536.101 Settlement authority for claims under the National Guard Claims Act. | |
32: | SECTION 536.102
| 536.102 Actions on appeal under the National Guard Claims Act. | |