Title 32

PART 211

Part 211 - Mission Compatibility Evaluation Process

PART 211 - MISSION COMPATIBILITY EVALUATION PROCESS Authority:Public Law 111-383, Section 358, as amended by Public Law 112-81, Section 331. Source:78 FR 73088, Dec. 5, 2013, unless otherwise noted.

32: A
Subpart A - General
32: 211.1
   211.1 Purpose.
32: 211.2
   211.2 Applicability.
32: 211.3
   211.3 Definitions.
32: B
Subpart B - Policy
32: 211.4
   211.4 Policy.
32: 211.5
   211.5 Responsibilities.
32: C
Subpart C - Project Evaluation Procedures
32: 211.6
   211.6 Initiating a formal DoD review of a proposed project.
32: 211.7
   211.7 Initiating an informal DoD review of a proposed project.
32: 211.8
   211.8 Inquiries received by DoD Components.
32: 211.9
   211.9 Mitigation options.
32: 211.10
   211.10 Reporting determinations to Congress.
32: D
Subpart D - Communications and Outreach
32: 211.11
   211.11 Communications with the Clearinghouse.
32: 211.12
   211.12 Public outreach.