Title 32

PART 1657

Part 1657 - Overseas Registrant Processing

PART 1657 - OVERSEAS REGISTRANT PROCESSING Authority:Military Selective Service Act, 50 U.S.C. 451 et seq.; E.O. 11623. Source:52 FR 24459, July 1, 1987, unless otherwise noted.

32: 1657.1
   1657.1 Purpose; definition.
32: 1657.2
   1657.2 Local boards.
32: 1657.3
   1657.3 District appeal boards.
32: 1657.4
   1657.4 Consideration of claims.
32: 1657.5
   1657.5 Place of induction.
32: 1657.6
   1657.6 Transportation.