Title 32

PART 147

Part 147 - Adjudicative Guidelines For Determining Eligibility For Access To Classified Information

PART 147 - ADJUDICATIVE GUIDELINES FOR DETERMINING ELIGIBILITY FOR ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION Authority:E.O. 12968 (60 FR 40245, 3 CFR 1995 Comp., p 391). Source:63 FR 4573, Jan. 30, 1998, unless otherwise noted.

32: A
Subpart A - Adjudication
32: 147.1
   147.1 Introduction.
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   147.2 Adjudicative process.
32: 147.3
   147.3 Guideline A - Allegiance to the United States.
32: 147.4
   147.4 Guideline B - Foreign influence.
32: 147.5
   147.5 Guideline C - Foreign preference.
32: 147.6
   147.6 Guidance D - Sexual behavior.
32: 147.7
   147.7 Guideline E - Personal conduct.
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   147.8 Guideline F - Financial considerations.
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   147.9 Guideline G - Alcohol consumption.
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   147.10 Guideline H - Drug involvement.
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   147.11 Guideline I - Emotional, mental, and personality disorders.
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   147.12 Guideline J - Criminal conduct.
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   147.13 Guideline K - Security violations.
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   147.14 Guideline L - Outside activities.
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   147.15 Guideline M - Misuse of Information technology systems.
32: B
Subpart B - Investigative Standards
32: 147.18
   147.18 Introduction.
32: 147.19
   147.19 The three standards.
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   147.20 Exception to periods of coverage.
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   147.21 Expanding investigations.
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   147.22 Transferability.
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   147.23 Breaks in service.
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   147.24 The national agency check.
   Attachment A to Subpart B of Part 147 - Standard A - National Agency Check With Local Agency Checks and Credit Check (NACLC)
   Attachment B to Subpart B of Part 147 - Standard B - Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI)
   Attachment C to Subpart B of Part 147 - Standard C - Single Scope Background Investigation Periodic Reinvestigation (SSBI-PR)
   Attachment D to Subpart B of Part 147 - Decision Tables
32: C
Subpart C - Guidelines for Temporary Access
32: 147.28
   147.28 Introduction.
32: 147.29
   147.29 Temporary eligibility for access.
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   147.30 Temporary eligibility for access at the confidential and secret levels and temporary eligibility for “L” access authorization.
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   147.31 Temporary eligibility for access at the top secret levels and temporary eligibility for “Q” access authorization: For someone who is the subject of a favorable investigation not meeting the investigative standards for access at those levels.
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   147.32 Temporary eligibility for access at the top secret and SCI levels and temporary eligibility for “Q” access authorization: For someone who is not the subject of a current, favorable personnel or personnel-security investigation of any kind.
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   147.33 Additional requirements by agencies.