Title 32

PART 107

Part 107 - Personal Services Authority For Direct Health Care Providers

PART 107 - PERSONAL SERVICES AUTHORITY FOR DIRECT HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS Authority:10 U.S.C. 1091; Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), part 37. Source:50 FR 11693, Mar. 25, 1985, unless otherwise noted.

32: 107.1
   107.1 Purpose.
32: 107.2
   107.2 Applicability and scope.
32: 107.3
   107.3 Definitions.
32: 107.4
   107.4 Policy.
32: 107.5
   107.5 Procedures.
32: 107.6
   107.6 Responsibilities.
   Enclosure 1 to Part 107 - Table of Authorized Compensation Rates