Title 31

PART 407

Part 407 - Regulations Governing Conduct In The Treasury Building And The Treasury Annex

PART 407 - REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDUCT IN THE TREASURY BUILDING AND THE TREASURY ANNEX Authority:5 U.S.C. 301; FPMR Temp. Reg. D-40, 38 FR 20650; Treasury Dept. Order 177-25 (Revision 2), 38 FR 21947. Source:33 FR 7149, May 15, 1968, unless otherwise noted.

31: 407.1
   407.1 Authority.
31: 407.2
   407.2 Applicability.
31: 407.3
   407.3 Recording presence.
31: 407.4
   407.4 Preservation of property.
31: 407.5
   407.5 Conformity with signs and directions.
31: 407.6
   407.6 Nuisances.
31: 407.7
   407.7 Gambling.
31: 407.8
   407.8 Intoxicating beverages and narcotics.
31: 407.9
   407.9 Soliciting, vending, debt collection, and distribution of handbills.
31: 407.10
   407.10 Photographs for news, advertising, or commercial purposes.
31: 407.11
   407.11 Dogs and other animals.
31: 407.12
   407.12 Vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
31: 407.13
   407.13 Weapons and explosives.
31: 407.14
   407.14 Penalties and other law.