Title 31

PART 361

Part 361 - Claims Pursuant To The Government Losses In Shipment Act

PART 361 - CLAIMS PURSUANT TO THE GOVERNMENT LOSSES IN SHIPMENT ACT Authority:Sec. 6, 50 Stat. 480; 40 U.S.C. 728. Source:41 FR 19302, May 12, 1976, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 49 FR 47002, Nov. 30, 1984, and further redesignated at 50 FR 51394, Dec. 17, 1985.

31: 361.1
   361.1 Scope of regulations.
31: 361.2
   361.2 Definitions.
31: 361.3
   361.3 Shipping procedure.
31: 361.4
   361.4 Preparation of shipment.
31: 361.5
   361.5 Record of shipment.
31: 361.6
   361.6 Advice of shipment.
31: 361.7
   361.7 Report of loss, destruction or damage.
31: 361.8
   361.8 Claim for replacement.
31: 361.9
   361.9 Proof of claim.
31: 361.10
   361.10 Recoveries.