Title 31

PART 340

Part 340 - Regulations Governing The Sale Of Treasury Bonds Through Competitive Bidding

PART 340 - REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SALE OF TREASURY BONDS THROUGH COMPETITIVE BIDDING Authority:Sec. 8, 50 Stat. 481, as amended; R.S. 3706; secs. 1, 4, 18, 5, 40 Stat. 288, as amended, 290, as amended, 1309, as amended, 290, as amended; secs. 19, 20, 48 Stat. 343, as amended; 31 U.S.C. 738a, 739, 752, 752a, 753, 754, 754a, 754b. Source:27 FR 12481, Dec. 18, 1962, unless otherwise noted.

31: 340.0
   340.0 Authority for sale of Treasury bonds through competitive bidding.
31: 340.1
   340.1 Public notice - description of bonds - terms of offer.
31: 340.2
   340.2 Denominations and exchanges.
31: 340.3
   340.3 Taxation.
31: 340.4
   340.4 Acceptance as security for public deposits.
31: 340.5
   340.5 Notice of intent to bid.
31: 340.6
   340.6 Submission of bids.
31: 340.7
   340.7 Deposits - retention - return.
31: 340.8
   340.8 Acceptance of bids.
31: 340.9
   340.9 Bids - revocations - rejections - postponements - reoffers.
31: 340.10
   340.10 Payment for and delivery of bonds.
31: 340.11
   340.11 Failure to complete transaction.
31: 340.12
   340.12 Reservations as to terms of circular.