Title 31

PART 321

Part 321 - Payments By Banks And Other Financial Institutions Of Definitive United States Savings Bonds And United States Savings Notes (freedom Shares)

PART 321 - PAYMENTS BY BANKS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS OF DEFINITIVE UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS AND UNITED STATES SAVINGS NOTES (FREEDOM SHARES) Authority:5 U.S.C. 301; 12 U.S.C. 391; 31 U.S.C. 321; 31 U.S.C. 3105, 3126. Source:53 FR 37511, Sept. 26, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

31: A
Subpart A - General Information
31: 321.0
   321.0 Purpose.
31: 321.1
   321.1 Definitions.
31: B
Subpart B - Procedures for Qualification
31: 321.2
   321.2 Eligible organizations.
31: 321.3
   321.3 Procedure for qualifying and serving as paying agent.
31: 321.4
   321.4 Paying agents previously qualified.
31: 321.5
   321.5 Termination of qualification.
31: C
Subpart C - Scope of Authority
31: 321.6
   321.6 General.
31: 321.7
   321.7 Authorized cash payments.
31: 321.8
   321.8 Redemption-exchange of Series E and EE savings bonds and savings notes.
31: 321.9
   321.9 Specific limitations on payment authority.
31: 321.10
   321.10 Responsibilities of paying agents.
31: D
Subpart D - Payment and Transmittal of Securities
31: 321.11
   321.11 Payment.
31: 321.12
   321.12 Redemption value of securities.
31: 321.13
   321.13 Cancellation of redeemed securities.
31: 321.14
   321.14 Transmittal to and settlement with a Federal Reserve Processing Site.
31: E
Subpart E - Losses Resulting From Erroneous Payments
31: 321.15
   321.15 Liability for losses.
31: 321.16
   321.16 Report of erroneous payment.
31: 321.17
   321.17 Investigation of potential loss.
31: 321.18
   321.18 Determination of loss.
31: 321.19
   321.19 Certification of signatures.
31: 321.20
   321.20 Applicability of provisions.
31: 321.21
   321.21 Replacement and recovery of losses.
31: F
Subpart F - Forwarding Items
31: 321.22
   321.22 Forwarding securities not payable by an agent.
31: G
Subpart G - Miscellaneous Provisions
31: 321.23
   321.23 Paying agent fees and charges.
31: 321.24
   321.24 Claims on account of lost securities.
31: 321.25
   321.25 Payment and retention of definitive securities.
31: 321.26
   321.26 Role of Federal Reserve Banks.
31: 321.27
   321.27 Instructions and guidance.
31: 321.28
   321.28 Preservation of rights.
31: 321.29
   321.29 Supplements, amendments, or revisions.
   Appendix to Part 321 - Appendix to Department of the Treasury Circular No. 750, Fourth Revision