Title 31

PART 250

Part 250 - Payment On Account Of Awards Of The Foreign Claims Settlement Commission Of The United States

PART 250 - PAYMENT ON ACCOUNT OF AWARDS OF THE FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES Authority:Sec. 7, 64 Stat. 16, sec. 310, 69 Stat. 573, sec. 413, 72 Stat. 530, sec. 213, 76 Stat. 1111; 22 U.S.C. 1626, 1641i, 1642l, 50 U.S.C. App. 2017l.

31: 250.1
   250.1 Scope of regulations.
31: 250.2
   250.2 Forms.
31: 250.3
   250.3 Voucher applications.
31: 250.4
   250.4 Payment on awards.
31: 250.5
   250.5 Manner of payment.
31: 250.6
   250.6 Powers of attorney.
31: 250.7
   250.7 Additional evidence.