Title 30
PART 772
Part 772 - Requirements For Coal Exploration
- Authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq. and 16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.
- Source: 48 FR 40634, Sept. 8, 1983, unless otherwise noted.
30: | SECTION 772.1 | 772.1 Scope and purpose. | |
30: | SECTION 772.10 | 772.10 Information collection. | |
30: | SECTION 772.11 | 772.11 Notice requirements for exploration removing 250 tons of coal or less. | |
30: | SECTION 772.12 | 772.12 Permit requirements for exploration that will remove more than 250 tons of coal or that will occur on lands designated as unsuitable for surface coal mining operations. | |
30: | SECTION 772.13 | 772.13 Coal exploration compliance duties. | |
30: | SECTION 772.14 | 772.14 Commercial use or sale. | |
30: | SECTION 772.15 | 772.15 Public availability of information. |