Title 30

PART 756

Part 756 - Indian Tribe Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Programs

PART 756 - INDIAN TRIBE ABANDONED MINE LAND RECLAMATION PROGRAMS Authority:30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq. and Pub. L. 100-71.

30: 756.1
   756.1 Scope.
30: 756.13
   756.13 Approval of the Navajo Nation's abandoned mine land plan.
30: 756.14
   756.14 Approval of amendments to the Navajo Nation's abandoned mine land plan.
30: 756.15
   756.15 Required amendments to the Navajo Nation's abandoned mine land plan.
30: 756.16
   756.16 Approval of the Hopi Tribe's abandoned mine land reclamation plan.
30: 756.17
   756.17 Approval of the Hopi Tribe's abandoned mine land reclamation plan amendments.
30: 756.18
   756.18 Required amendments to the Hopi Tribe's abandoned mine land reclamation plan.
30: 756.19
   756.19 Approval of the Crow Tribe's abandoned mine land reclamation plan.
30: 756.20
   756.20 Approval of amendments to the Crow Tribe's abandoned mine land reclamation plan.
30: 756.21
   756.21 Required amendments to the Crow Tribe's abandoned mine land reclamation plan.