Title 30

PART 256

Part 256 - Leasing Of Sulphur Or Oil And Gas In The Outer Continental Shelf

PART 256 - LEASING OF SULPHUR OR OIL AND GAS IN THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF Authority:31 U.S.C. 9701, 42 U.S.C. 6213, 43 U.S.C. 1334, Pub. L. 109-432. Source:76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, unless otherwise noted.

30: A
Subpart A - Outer Continental Shelf Oil, Gas, and Sulphur Management, General
30: 256.1
   256.1 Purpose.
30: 256.7
   256.7 Cross references.
30: B
Subpart B - Assignments, Transfers, and Extensions
30: 256.70
   256.70 Extension of lease by drilling or well reworking operations.
30: 256.71
   256.71 Directional drilling.
30: 256.72
   256.72 Compensatory payments as production.
30: 256.73
   256.73 Effect of suspensions on lease term.
30: C
Subpart C - Termination of Leases
30: 256.77
   256.77 Cancellation of leases.
30: D
Subpart D - Section 6 Leases
30: 256.79
   256.79 Effect of regulations on lease.