Title 30

PART 254

Part 254 - Oil-spill Response Requirements For Facilities Located Seaward Of The Coast Line

PART 254 - OIL-SPILL RESPONSE REQUIREMENTS FOR FACILITIES LOCATED SEAWARD OF THE COAST LINE Authority:33 U.S.C. 1321. Source:76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, unless otherwise noted.

30: A
Subpart A - General
30: 254.1
   254.1 Who must submit an oil spill response plan (OSRP)
30: 254.2
   254.2 When must I submit an OSRP
30: 254.3
   254.3 May I cover more than one facility in my OSRP
30: 254.4
   254.4 May I reference other documents in my OSRP
30: 254.5
   254.5 General response plan requirements.
30: 254.6
   254.6 Definitions.
30: 254.7
   254.7 How do I submit my OSRP to the BSEE
30: 254.8
   254.8 May I appeal decisions under this part
30: 254.9
   254.9 Authority for information collection.
30: B
Subpart B - Oil-Spill Response Plans for Outer Continental Shelf Facilities
30: 254.20
   254.20 Purpose.
30: 254.21
   254.21 How must I format my OSRP
30: 254.22
   254.22 What information must I include in the “Introduction and OSRP contents” section
30: 254.23
   254.23 What information must I include in the “Emergency response action plan” section
30: 254.24
   254.24 What information must I include in the “Equipment inventory” appendix
30: 254.25
   254.25 What information must I include in the “Contractual agreements” appendix
30: 254.26
   254.26 What information must I include in the “Worst case discharge scenario” appendix
30: 254.27
   254.27 What information must I include in the “Dispersant use plan” appendix
30: 254.28
   254.28 What information must I include in the “In situ burning plan” appendix
30: 254.29
   254.29 What information must I include in the “Training and drills” appendix
30: 254.30
   254.30 When must I revise my OSRP
30: C
Subpart C - Related Requirements for Outer Continental Shelf Facilities
30: 254.40
   254.40 Records.
30: 254.41
   254.41 Training your response personnel.
30: 254.42
   254.42 Exercises for your response personnel and equipment.
30: 254.43
   254.43 Maintenance and periodic inspection of response equipment.
30: 254.44
   254.44 Calculating response equipment effective daily recovery capacities.
30: 254.45
   254.45 Verifying the capabilities of your response equipment.
30: 254.46
   254.46 Whom do I notify if an oil spill occurs
30: 254.47
   254.47 Determining the volume of oil of your worst case discharge scenario.
30: D
Subpart D - Oil-Spill Response Requirements for Facilities Located in State Waters Seaward of the Coast Line
30: 254.50
   254.50 Spill response plans for facilities located in State waters seaward of the coast line.
30: 254.51
   254.51 Modifying an existing OCS OSRP.
30: 254.52
   254.52 Following the format for an OCS OSRP.
30: 254.53
   254.53 Submitting an OSRP developed under State requirements.
30: 254.54
   254.54 Spill prevention for facilities located in State waters seaward of the coast line.
30: 254.55
   254.55 Spill response plans for facilities located in Alaska State waters seaward of the coast line in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.
30: E
Subpart E - Oil-Spill Response Requirements for Facilities Located on the Arctic OCS
30: 254.65
   254.65 Purpose.
30: 254.66-254.69
   254.66-254.69 [Reserved]
30: 254.70
   254.70 What are the additional requirements for facilities conducting exploratory drilling from a MODU on the Arctic OCS
30: 254.71-254.79
   254.71-254.79 [Reserved]
30: 254.80
   254.80 What additional information must I include in the “Emergency response action plan” section for facilities conducting exploratory drilling from a MODU on the Arctic OCS
30: 254.81-254.89
   254.81-254.89 [Reserved]
30: 254.90
   254.90 What are the additional requirements for exercises of your response personnel and equipment for facilities conducting exploratory drilling from a MODU on the Arctic OCS