Title 30

PART 251

Part 251 - Geological And Geophysical (g&g) Explorations Of The Outer Continental Shelf

PART 251 - GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL (G&G) EXPLORATIONS OF THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF Authority:31 U.S.C. 9701, 43 U.S.C. 1334. Source:76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, unless otherwise noted.

30: 251.1
   251.1 Definitions.
30: 251.2
   251.2 [Reserved]
30: 251.3
   251.3 Authority and applicability of this part.
30: 251.4-251.6
   251.4-251.6 [Reserved]
30: 251.7
   251.7 Test drilling activities under a permit.
30: 251.8-251.14
   251.8-251.14 [Reserved]
30: 251.15
   251.15 Authority for information collection.