Title 30

PART 1241

Part 1241 - Penalties

PART 1241 - PENALTIES Authority:25 U.S.C. 396 et seq., 396a et seq., 2101 et seq.; 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq., 351 et seq., 1001 et seq., 1701 et seq.; 43 U.S.C. 1301 et seq., 1331 et seq., 1801 et seq. Source:81 FR 50316, Aug. 1, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

30: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
30: 1241.1
   1241.1 What is the purpose of this part
30: 1241.2
   1241.2 What leases are subject to this part
30: 1241.3
   1241.3 What definitions apply to this part
30: 1241.4
   1241.4 How will ONRR serve a Notice
30: 1241.5
   1241.5 Which ONRR enforcement actions are subject to a hearing
30: 1241.6
   1241.6 Which ONRR enforcement actions are not subject to a hearing
30: 1241.7
   1241.7 How do I request a hearing on the record on a Notice
30: 1241.8
   1241.8 How will DCHD conduct the hearing on the record
30: 1241.9
   1241.9 May I appeal the ALJ's decision
30: 1241.10
   1241.10 May I seek judicial review of the IBLA decision
30: 1241.11
   1241.11 Does my hearing request affect a penalty
30: B
Subpart B - Notices of Noncompliance and Civil Penalties
30: 19
   Penalties With a Period To Correct
30: 1241.50
   1241.50 What may ONRR do if I violate a statute, regulation, order, or lease term relating to a lease subject to this part
30: 1241.51
   1241.51 What if I correct the violation identified in a NONC
30: 1241.52
   1241.52 What if I do not correct the violation identified in a NONC
30: 20
   Penalties Without a Period To Correct
30: 1241.60
   1241.60 Am I subject to a penalty without prior notice and an opportunity to correct
30: C
Subpart C - Penalty Amount, Interest, and Collections
30: 1241.70
   1241.70 How does ONRR decide the amount of the penalty to assess
30: 1241.71
   1241.71 Do I owe interest on both the penalty amount and any underlying underpayment or unpaid debt
30: 1241.72
   1241.72 When must I pay the penalty
30: 1241.73
   1241.73 May ONRR reduce my penalty once it is assessed
30: 1241.74
   1241.74 How may ONRR collect my penalty