Title 29

PART 453

Part 453 - General Statement Concerning The Bonding Requirements Of The Labor-management Reporting And Disclosure Act Of 1959

PART 453 - GENERAL STATEMENT CONCERNING THE BONDING REQUIREMENTS OF THE LABOR-MANAGEMENT REPORTING AND DISCLOSURE ACT OF 1959 Authority:Sec. 502, 73 Stat. 536; 79 Stat. 888 (29 U.S.C. 502); Secretary's Order No. 03-2012, 77 FR 69376, November 16, 2012. Source:28 FR 14394, Dec. 27, 1963, unless otherwise noted.

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   453.1 Scope and significance of this part.
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   Criteria for Determining Who Must Be Bonded
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   453.2 Provisions of the statute.
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   453.3 Labor organizations within the coverage of section 502(a).
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   453.4 Trusts (in which a labor organization is interested) within the coverage of section 502(a).
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   453.5 Officers, agents, shop stewards, or other representatives or employees of a labor organization.
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   453.6 Officers, agents, shop stewards or other representatives or employees of a trust in which a labor organization is interested.
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   453.7 “Funds or other property” of a labor organization or of a trust in which a labor organization is interested.
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   453.8 Personnel who “handle” funds or other property.
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   453.9 “Handling” of funds or other property by personnel functioning as a governing body.
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   Scope of the Bond
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   453.10 The statutory provision.
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   453.11 The nature of the “duties” to which the bonding requirement relates.
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   453.12 Meaning of fraud or dishonesty.
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   Amount of Bonds
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   453.13 The statutory provision.
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   453.14 The meaning of “funds.”
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   453.15 The meaning of funds handled “during the preceding fiscal year”.
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   453.16 Funds handled by more than one person.
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   453.17 Term of the bond.
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   Form of Bonds
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   453.18 Bonds “individual or schedule in form”.
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   453.19 The designation of the “insured” on bonds.
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   Qualified Agents, Brokers, and Surety Companies for the Placing of Bonds
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   453.20 Corporate sureties holding grants of authority from the Secretary of the Treasury.
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   453.21 Interests held in agents, brokers, and surety companies.
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   Miscellaneous Provisions
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   453.22 Prohibition of certain activities by unbonded persons.
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   453.23 Persons becoming subject to bonding requirements during fiscal year.
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   453.24 Payment of bonding costs.
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   453.25 Effective date of the bonding requirement.
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   453.26 Powers of the Secretary of Labor to exempt.