29: | SECTION 4211.31
| 4211.31 Allocation of unfunded vested benefits following the merger of plans. | |
29: | SECTION 4211.32
| 4211.32 Presumptive method for withdrawals after the initial plan year. | |
29: | SECTION 4211.33
| 4211.33 Modified presumptive method for withdrawals after the initial plan year. | |
29: | SECTION 4211.34
| 4211.34 Rolling-5 method for withdrawals after the initial plan year. | |
29: | SECTION 4211.35
| 4211.35 Direct attribution method for withdrawals after the initial plan year. | |
29: | SECTION 4211.36
| 4211.36 Modifications to the determination of initial liabilities, the amortization of initial liabilities, and the allocation fraction. | |
29: | SECTION 4211.37
| 4211.37 Allocating unfunded vested benefits for withdrawals before the end of the initial plan year. | |
| Appendix to Part 4211 - Examples | |