Title 29

PART 404

Part 404 - Labor Organization Officer And Employee Reports

PART 404 - LABOR ORGANIZATION OFFICER AND EMPLOYEE REPORTS Authority:Secs. 202, 207, 208, 73 Stat. 525, 529 (29 U.S.C. 432, 437, 438); Secretary's Order No. 03-2012, 77 FR 69376, November 16, 2012. Source:28 FR 14384, Dec. 27, 1963, unless otherwise noted.

29: 404.1
   404.1 Definitions.
29: 404.2
   404.2 Annual report.
29: 404.3
   404.3 Form of annual report.
29: 404.4
   404.4 [Reserved]
29: 404.5
   404.5 Attorney-client communications exempted.
29: 404.6
   404.6 Personal responsibility of signatories of reports.
29: 404.7
   404.7 Maintenance and retention of records.
29: 404.8
   404.8 Publication of reports required by this part.
29: 404.9
   404.9 OMB control number.