Title 29

PART 2701

Part 2701 - Government In The Sunshine Act Regulations

PART 2701 - GOVERNMENT IN THE SUNSHINE ACT REGULATIONS Authority:Sec. 113, Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, Pub. L. 95-165 (30 U.S.C. 823). Source:44 FR 2575, Jan. 12, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

29: 2701.1
   2701.1 Purpose and scope.
29: 2701.2
   2701.2 Open meetings policy; closure of meetings.
29: 2701.3
   2701.3 Announcement of meetings.
29: 2701.4
   2701.4 Request to open or close meeting.
29: 2701.5
   2701.5 Petition for review.
29: 2701.6
   2701.6 Discussion during open meetings.
29: 2701.7
   2701.7 Expedited closing procedure.