Title 29
Subpart G - Hearings
- 30 U.S.C. 815, 820, 823, and 876.
- 58 FR 12164, Mar. 3, 1993, unless otherwise noted.
29: | SECTION 2700.50 | 2700.50 Assignment of Judges. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.51 | 2700.51 Hearing dates and sites. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.52 | 2700.52 Expedition of proceedings. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.53 | 2700.53 Prehearing conferences and statements. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.54 | 2700.54 Notice of hearing. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.55 | 2700.55 Powers of Judges. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.56 | 2700.56 Discovery; general. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.57 | 2700.57 Depositions. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.58 | 2700.58 Interrogatories, requests for admissions and requests for production of documents. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.59 | 2700.59 Failure to cooperate in discovery; sanctions. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.60 | 2700.60 Subpoenas. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.61 | 2700.61 Name of miner informant. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.62 | 2700.62 Name of miner witness. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.63 | 2700.63 Evidence; presentation of case. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.64 | 2700.64 Retention of exhibits. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.65 | 2700.65 Proposed findings, conclusions and orders. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.66 | 2700.66 Summary disposition of proceedings. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.67 | 2700.67 Summary decision of the Judge. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.68 | 2700.68 Substitution of the Judge. | |
29: | SECTION 2700.69 | 2700.69 Decision of the Judge. |