Title 29

PART 2575

Part 2575 - Adjustment Of Civil Penalties Under Erisa Title I

PART 2575 - ADJUSTMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES UNDER ERISA TITLE I Authority:29 U.S.C. 1135; 28 U.S.C. 2461 note; Secretary of Labor's Order 1-2003, 68 FR 5374 (Feb. 3, 2003). Source:64 FR 42246, Aug. 3, 1999, unless otherwise noted.

29: A
Subpart A - Adjustment of Civil Penalties Under ERISA Title I
29: 2575.1
   2575.1 In general.
29: 2575.2
   2575.2 Catch-up adjustments to civil monetary penalties.
29: 2575.3
   2575.3 Subsequent adjustments to civil monetary penalties.
29: 2575.502c-1
   2575.502c-1 Adjusted civil penalty under section 502(c)(1).
29: 2575.502c-3
   2575.502c-3 Adjusted civil penalty under section 502(c)(3).
29: B
Subparts B-D [Reserved]