Title 29


Appendix C to Subpart I of Part 1910 - Personal Fall Protection Systems Non-Mandatory Guidelines

29: : Appendix C

Appendix C to Subpart I of Part 1910 - Personal Fall Protection Systems Non-Mandatory Guidelines

The following information generally applies to all personal fall protection systems and is intended to assist employers and employees comply with the requirements of § 1910.140 for personal fall protection systems.

(a) Planning considerations. It is important for employers to plan prior to using personal fall protection systems. Probably the most overlooked component of planning is locating suitable anchorage points. Such planning should ideally be done before the structure or building is constructed so that anchorage points can be used later for window cleaning or other building maintenance.

(b) Selection and use considerations. (1) The kind of personal fall protection system selected should be appropriate for the employee's specific work situation. Free fall distances should always be kept to a minimum. Many systems are designed for particular work applications, such as climbing ladders and poles; maintaining and servicing equipment; and window cleaning. Consideration should be given to the environment in which the work will be performed. For example, the presence of acids, dirt, moisture, oil, grease, or other substances, and their potential effects on the system selected, should be evaluated. The employer should fully evaluate the work conditions and environment (including seasonal weather changes) before selecting the appropriate personal fall protection system. Hot or cold environments may also affect fall protection systems. Wire rope should not be used where electrical hazards are anticipated. As required by § 1910.140(c)(21), the employer must provide a means for promptly rescuing an employee should a fall occur.

(2) Where lanyards, connectors, and lifelines are subject to damage by work operations, such as welding, chemical cleaning, and sandblasting, the component should be protected, or other securing systems should be used. A program for cleaning and maintaining the system may be necessary.

(c) Testing considerations. Before purchasing a personal fall protection system, an employer should insist that the supplier provide information about its test performance (using recognized test methods) so the employer will know that the system meets the criteria in § 1910.140. Otherwise, the employer should test the equipment to ensure that it is in compliance. Appendix D to this subpart contains test methods which are recommended for evaluating the performance of any system. There are some circumstances in which an employer can evaluate a system based on data and calculations derived from the testing of similar systems. Enough information must be available for the employer to demonstrate that its system and the tested system(s) are similar in both function and design.

(d) Component compatibility considerations. Ideally, a personal fall protection system is designed, tested, and supplied as a complete system. However, it is common practice for lanyards, connectors, lifelines, deceleration devices, body belts, and body harnesses to be interchanged since some components wear out before others. Employers and employees should realize that not all components are interchangeable. For instance, a lanyard should not be connected between a body harness and a deceleration device of the self-retracting type (unless specifically allowed by the manufacturer) since this can result in additional free fall for which the system was not designed. In addition, positioning components, such as pole straps, ladder hooks and rebar hooks, should not be used in personal fall arrest systems unless they meet the appropriate strength and performance requirements of part 1910 (e.g., §§ 1910.140, 1910.268 and 1910.269). Any substitution or change to a personal fall protection system should be fully evaluated or tested by a competent person to determine that it meets applicable OSHA standards before the modified system is put in use. Also, OSHA suggests that rope be used according to manufacturers' recommendations, especially if polypropylene rope is used.

(e) Employee training considerations. As required by §§ 1910.30 and 1910.132, before an employee uses a fall protection system, the employer must ensure that he or she is trained in the proper use of the system. This may include the following: The limits of the system; proper anchoring and tie-off techniques; estimating free fall distance, including determining elongation and deceleration distance; methods of use; and inspection and storage. Careless or improper use of fall protection equipment can result in serious injury or death. Employers and employees should become familiar with the material in this standard and appendix, as well as manufacturers' recommendations, before a system is used. It is important for employees to be aware that certain tie-offs (such as using knots and tying around sharp edges) can reduce the overall strength of a system. Employees also need to know the maximum permitted free fall distance. Training should stress the importance of inspections prior to use, the limitations of the equipment to be used, and unique conditions at the worksite that may be important.

(f) Instruction considerations. Employers should obtain comprehensive instructions from the supplier or a qualified person as to the system's proper use and application, including, where applicable:

(1) The force measured during the sample force test;

(2) The maximum elongation measured for lanyards during the force test;

(3) The deceleration distance measured for deceleration devices during the force test;

(4) Caution statements on critical use limitations;

(5) Limits of the system;

(6) Proper hook-up, anchoring and tie-off techniques, including the proper D-ring or other attachment point to use on the body harness;

(7) Proper climbing techniques;

(8) Methods of inspection, use, cleaning, and storage; and

(9) Specific lifelines that may be used.

(g) Inspection considerations. Personal fall protection systems must be inspected before initial use in each workshift. Any component with damage, such as a cut, tear, abrasion, mold, or evidence of undue stretching, an alteration or addition that might affect its effectiveness, damage due to deterioration, fire, acid, or other corrosive damage, distorted hooks or faulty hook springs, tongues that are unfitted to the shoulder of buckles, loose or damaged mountings, non-functioning parts, or wear, or internal deterioration must be removed from service immediately, and should be tagged or marked as unusable, or destroyed. Any personal fall protection system, including components, subjected to impact loading must be removed from service immediately and not used until a competent person inspects the system and determines that it is not damaged and is safe to use for personal fall protection.

(h) Rescue considerations. As required by § 1910.140(c)(21), when personal fall arrest systems are used, special consideration must be given to rescuing an employee promptly should a fall occur. The availability of rescue personnel, ladders, or other rescue equipment needs to be evaluated since there may be instances in which employees cannot self-rescue (e.g., employee unconscious or seriously injured). In some situations, equipment allowing employees to rescue themselves after the fall has been arrested may be desirable, such as devices that have descent capability.

(i) Tie-off considerations. Employers and employees should at all times be aware that the strength of a personal fall arrest system is based on its being attached to an anchoring system that can support the system. Therefore, if a means of attachment is used that will reduce the strength of the system (such as an eye-bolt/snaphook anchorage), that component should be replaced by a stronger one that will also maintain the appropriate maximum deceleration characteristics. The following is a listing of some situations in which employers and employees should be especially cautious:

(1) Tie-off using a knot in the lanyard or lifeline (at any location). The strength of the line can be reduced by 50 percent or more if a knot is used. Therefore, a stronger lanyard or lifeline should be used to compensate for the knot, or the lanyard length should be reduced (or the tie-off location raised) to minimize free fall distance, or the lanyard or lifeline should be replaced by one which has an appropriately incorporated connector to eliminate the need for a knot.

(2) Tie-off around rough or sharp (e.g., “H” or “I” beams) surfaces. Sharp or rough surfaces can damage rope lines and this reduces strength of the system drastically. Such tie-offs should be avoided whenever possible. An alternate means should be used such as a snaphook/D-ring connection, a tie-off apparatus (steel cable tie-off), an effective padding of the surfaces, or an abrasion-resistant strap around the supporting member. If these alternative means of tie-off are not available, the employer should try to minimize the potential free fall distance.

(3) Knots. Sliding hitch knots should not be used except in emergency situations. The one-and-one sliding hitch knot should never be used because it is unreliable in stopping a fall. The two-and-two, or three-and-three knots (preferable) may be used in emergency situations; however, care should be taken to limit free fall distances because of reduced lifeline/lanyard strength. OSHA requires that a competent or qualified person inspect each knot in a lanyard or vertical lifeline to ensure it meets the strength requirements in § 1910.140.

(j) Horizontal lifelines. Horizontal lifelines, depending on their geometry and angle of sag, may be subjected to greater loads than the impact load imposed by an attached component. When the angle of horizontal lifeline sag is less than 30 degrees, the impact force imparted to the lifeline by an attached lanyard is greatly amplified. For example, with a sag angle of 15 degrees the force amplification is about 2:1, and at 5 degrees sag it is about 6:1. Depending on the angle of sag, and the line's elasticity, the strength of the horizontal lifeline, and the anchorages to which it is attached should be increased a number of times over that of the lanyard. Extreme care should be taken in considering a horizontal lifeline for multiple tie-offs. If there are multiple tie-offs to a horizontal lifeline, and one employee falls, the movement of the falling employee and the horizontal lifeline during arrest of the fall may cause other employees to fall. Horizontal lifeline and anchorage strength should be increased for each additional employee to be tied-off. For these and other reasons, the systems using horizontal lifelines must be designed only by qualified persons. OSHA recommends testing installed lifelines and anchors prior to use. OSHA requires that horizontal lifelines are designed, installed and used under the supervision of a qualified person.

(k) Eye-bolts. It must be recognized that the strength of an eye-bolt is rated along the axis of the bolt, and that its strength is greatly reduced if the force is applied at right angles to this axis (in the direction of its shear strength). Care should also be exercised in selecting the proper diameter of the eye to avoid creating a roll-out hazard (accidental disengagement of the snaphook from the eye-bolt).

(l) Vertical lifeline considerations. As required by § 1910.140(c)(3), each employee must have a separate lifeline when the lifeline is vertical. If multiple tie-offs to a single lifeline are used, and one employee falls, the movement of the lifeline during the arrest of the fall may pull other employees' lanyards, causing them to fall as well.

(m) Snaphook and carabiner considerations. As required by § 1910.140(c)(10), the following connections must be avoided unless the locking snaphook or carabiner has been designed for them because they are conditions that can result in rollout:

(1) Direct connection to webbing, rope, or a horizontal lifeline;

(2) Two (or more) snaphooks or carabiners connected to one D-ring;

(3) Two snaphooks or carabiners connected to each other;

(4) Snaphooks or carabiners connected directly to webbing, rope, or wire rope; and

(5) Improper dimensions of the D-ring, rebar, or other connection point in relation to the snaphook or carabiner dimensions which would allow the gate to be depressed by a turning motion.

(n) Free fall considerations. Employers and employees should always be aware that a system's maximum arresting force is evaluated under normal use conditions established by the manufacturer. OSHA requires that personal fall arrest systems be rigged so an employee cannot free fall in excess of 6 feet (1.8 m). Even a few additional feet of free fall can significantly increase the arresting force on the employee, possibly to the point of causing injury and possibly exceeding the strength of the system. Because of this, the free fall distance should be kept to a minimum, and, as required by § 1910.140(d)(2), must never be greater than 6 feet (1.8 m). To assure this, the tie-off attachment point to the lifeline or anchor should be located at or above the connection point of the fall arrest equipment to the harness. (Otherwise, additional free fall distance is added to the length of the connecting means (i.e., lanyard)). Tying off to the walking-working surface will often result in a free fall greater than 6 feet (1.8 m). For instance, if a 6-foot (1.8-m) lanyard is used, the total free fall distance will be the distance from the walking-working level to the harness connection plus the 6 feet (1.8 m) of lanyard.

(o) Elongation and deceleration distance considerations. During fall arrest, a lanyard will stretch or elongate, whereas activation of a deceleration device will result in a certain stopping distance. These distances should be available with the lanyard or device's instructions and must be added to the free fall distance to arrive at the total fall distance before an employee is fully stopped. The additional stopping distance may be significant if the lanyard or deceleration device is attached near or at the end of a long lifeline, which may itself add considerable distance due to its own elongation. As required by § 1910.140(d)(2), sufficient distance to allow for all of these factors must also be maintained between the employee and obstructions below, to prevent an injury due to impact before the system fully arrests the fall. In addition, a minimum of 12 feet (3.7 m) of lifeline should be allowed below the securing point of a rope-grab-type deceleration device, and the end terminated to prevent the device from sliding off the lifeline. Alternatively, the lifeline should extend to the ground or the next working level below. These measures are suggested to prevent the employee from inadvertently moving past the end of the lifeline and having the rope grab become disengaged from the lifeline.

(p) Obstruction considerations. In selecting a location for tie-off, employers and employees should consider obstructions in the potential fall path of the employee. Tie-offs that minimize the possibilities of exaggerated swinging should be considered.

[81 FR 83002, Nov. 18, 2016]

Appendix C to Subpart L of Part 1910 - Fire Protection References For Further Information

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Appendix C to Subpart L of Part 1910 - Fire Protection References For Further Information

I. Appendix general references. The following references provide information which can be helpful in understanding the requirements contained in all of the sections of subpart L:

A. Fire Protection Handbook, National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

B. Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations, National Safety Council; 425 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611.

C. Various associations also publish information which may be useful in understanding these standards. Examples of these associations are: Fire Equipment Manufacturers Association (FEMA) of Arlington, VA 22204 and the National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors (NAFED) of Chicago, IL 60601.

II. Appendix references applicable to individual sections. The following references are grouped according to individual sections contained in subpart L. These references provide information which may be helpful in understanding and implementing the standards of each section of subpart L.

A. § 1910.156. Fire brigades:

1. Private Fire Brigades, NFPA 27; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

2. Initial Fire Attack, Training Standard On, NFPA 197; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

3. Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, NFPA 1001; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

4. Organization for Fire Services, NFPA 1201; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

5. Organization of a Fire Department, NFPA 1202; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

6. Protective Clothing for Structural Fire Fighting, ANSI/NFPA 1971; .

7. American National Standard for Men's Safety-Toe Footwear, ANSI Z41.1; American National Standards Institute, New York, NY 10018.

8. American National Standard for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection, ANSI Z87.1; American National Standards Institute, New York, NY 10018.

9. American National Standard, Safety Requirements for Industrial Head Protection, ANSI Z89.1; American National Standards Institute, New York, NY 10018.

10. Specifications for Protective Headgear for Vehicular Users, ANSI Z90.1; American National Standards Institute, New York, NY 10018.

11. Testing Physical Fitness; Davis and Santa Maria. Fire Command. April 1975.

12. Development of a Job-Related Physical Performance Examination for Fire Fighters; Dotson and Others. A summary report for the National Fire Prevention and Control Administration. Washington, DC. March 1977.

13. Proposed Sample Standards for Fire Fighters' Protective Clothing and Equipment; International Association of Fire Fighters, Washington, DC.

14. A Study of Facepiece Leakage of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus by DOP Man Tests; Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM.

15. The Development of Criteria for Fire Fighters' Gloves; Vol. II: Glove Criteria and Test Methods; National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, OH. 1976.

16. Model Performance Criteria for Structural Fire Fighters' Helmets; National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, Washington, DC. 1977.

17. Firefighters; Job Safety and Health Magazine, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Washington, DC. June 1978.

18. Eating Smoke - The Dispensable Diet; Utech, H.P. The Fire Independent, 1975.

19. Project Monoxide - A Medical Study of an Occupational Hazard of Fire Fighters; International Association of Fire Fighters, Washington, DC.

20. Occupational Exposures to Carbon Monoxide in Baltimore Firefighters; Radford and Levine. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. Journal of Occupational Medicine, September, 1976.

21. Fire Brigades; National Safety Council, Chicago, IL. 1966.

22. American National Standard, Practice for Respiratory Protection for the Fire Service; ANSI Z88.5; American National Standards Institute, New York, NY 10018.

23. Respirator Studies for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; October 1, 1977 - September 30, 1978. Evaluation and Performance of Open Circuit Breathing Apparatus. NU REG/CR-1235. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; Los Alamos, NM. 87545, January, 1980.

B. § 1910.157. Portable fire extinguishers:

1. Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, ANSI/NFPA 10; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269

2. Methods for Hydrostatic Testing of Compressed Gas Cylinders, C-1; Compressed Gas Association, 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.

3. Recommendations for the Disposition of Unserviceable Compressed Gas Cylinders, C-2; Compressed Gas Association, 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.

4. Standard for Visual Inspection of Compressed Gas Cylinders, C-6; Compressed Gas Association, 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.

5. Portable Fire Extinguisher Selection Guide, National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors; 111 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601.

C. § 1910.158. Standpipe and hose systems:

1. Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, ANSI/NFPA 13; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

2. Standard of the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, ANSI/NFPA 14; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

3. Standard for the Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, ANSI/NFPA 20; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

4. Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection, ANSI/NFPA 22; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

5. Standard for Screw Threads and Gaskets for Fire Hose Connections, ANSI/NFPA 194; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

6. Standard for Fire Hose, NFPA 196; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

7. Standard for the Care of Fire Hose, NFPA 198; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

D. § 1910.159. Automatic sprinkler systems:

1. Standard of the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, ANSI-NFPA 13; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

2. Standard for the Care and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems, ANSI/NFPA 13A; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

3. Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, ANSI/NFPA 14; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

4. Standard for the Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, ANSI/NFPA 20; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

5. Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection, ANSI-NFPA 22; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

6. Standard for Indoor General Storage, ANSI/NFPA 231; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

7. Standard for Rack Storage of Materials, ANSI/NFPA 231C; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

E. § 1910.160. Fixed extinguishing systems - general information:

1. Standard for Foam Extinguishing Systems, ANSI-NFPA 11; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

2. Standard for Hi-Expansion Foam Systems, ANSI/NFPA 11A; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

3. Standard on Synthetic Foam and Combined Agent Systems, ANSI/NFPA 11B; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

4. Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems, ANSI/NFPA 12; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

5. Standard on Halon 1301, ANSI/NFPA 12A; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

6. Standard on Halon 1211, ANSI/NFPA 12B; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

7. Standard for Water Spray Systems, ANSI/NFPA 15; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

8. Standard for Foam-Water Sprinkler Systems and Foam-Water Spray Systems, ANSI/NFPA 16; National Fire Protection Association, National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269

9. Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems, ANSI/NFPA 17; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

F. § 1910.161. Fixed extinguishing systems - dry chemical:

1. Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems, ANSI/NFPA 17; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

2. National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

3. Standard for the Installation of Equipment for the Removal of Smoke and Grease-Laden Vapor from Commercial Cooking Equipment, NFPA 96; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

G. § 1910.162. Fixed extinguishing systems - gaseous agents:

1. Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems, ANSI/NFPA 12; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

2. Standard on Halon 1301, ANSI/NFPA 12B; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

3. Standard on Halon 1211, ANSI/NFPA 12B; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

4. Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems, ANSI/NFPA 69; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

5. National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

6. Standard on Automatic Fire Detectors, ANSI/NFPA 72E; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

7. Determination of Halon 1301/1211 Threshold Extinguishing Concentrations Using the Cup Burner Method; Riley and Olson, Ansul Report AL-530-A.

H. § 1910.163. Fixed extinguishing systems - water spray and foam agents:

1. Standard for Foam Extinguisher Systems, ANSI/NFPA 11; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

2. Standard for High Expansion Foam Systems, ANSI/NFPA 11A; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

3. Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection, ANSI/NFPA 15; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

4. Standard for the Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler Systems and Foam-Water Spray Systems, ANSI/NFPA 16; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

I. § 1910.164. Fire Detection systems:

1. National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

2. Standard for Central Station Signaling Systems, ANSI/NFPA 71; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

3. Standard on Automatic Fire Detectors, ANSI/NFPA 72E; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

J. § 1910.165. Employee alarm systems:

1. National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

2. Standard for Central Station Signaling systems, ANSI/NFPA 71; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

3. Standard for Local Protective Signaling Systems, ANSI/NFPA 72A; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

4. Standard for Auxiliary Protective Signaling Systems, ANSI/NFPA 72B; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

5. Standard for Remote Station Protective Signaling Systems, ANSI/NFPA 72C; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 .

6. Standard for Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems, ANSI/NFPA 72D; National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

7. Vocal Emergency Alarms in Hospitals and Nursing Facilities: Practice and Potential. National Bureau of Standards. Washington, D.C., July 1977.

8. Fire Alarm and Communication Systems. National Bureau of Standards. Washington, D.C., April 1978.

[45 FR 60715, Sept. 12, 1980, as amended at 58 FR 35309, June 30, 1993]

Appendix C to Subpart T of Part 1910 - Alternative Conditions Under § 1910.401(a)(3) for Recreational Diving Instructors and Diving Guides (Mandatory)

29: : Appendix C

Appendix C to Subpart T of Part 1910 - Alternative Conditions Under § 1910.401(a)(3) for Recreational Diving Instructors and Diving Guides (Mandatory)

Paragraph (a)(3) of § 1910.401 specifies that an employer of recreational diving instructors and diving guides (hereafter, “divers” or “employees”) who complies with all of the conditions of this appendix need not provide a decompression chamber for these divers as required under §§ 1910.423(b)(2) or (c)(3) or 1910.426(b)(1).

1. Equipment Requirements for Rebreathers

(a) The employer must ensure that each employee operates the rebreather (i.e., semi-closed-circuit and closed-circuit self-contained underwater breathing apparatuses (hereafter, “SCUBAs”)) according to the rebreather manufacturer's instructions.

(b) The employer must ensure that each rebreather has a counterlung that supplies a sufficient volume of breathing gas to their divers to sustain the divers' respiration rates, and contains a baffle system and/or other moisture separating system that keeps moisture from entering the scrubber.

(c) The employer must place a moisture trap in the breathing loop of the rebreather, and ensure that:

(i) The rebreather manufacturer approves both the moisture trap and its location in the breathing loop; and

(ii) Each employee uses the moisture trap according to the rebreather manufacturer's instructions.

(d) The employer must ensure that each rebreather has a continuously functioning moisture sensor, and that:

(i) The moisture sensor connects to a visual (e.g., digital, graphic, analog) or auditory (e.g., voice, pure tone) alarm that is readily detectable by the diver under the diving conditions in which the diver operates, and warns the diver of moisture in the breathing loop in sufficient time to terminate the dive and return safely to the surface; and

(ii) Each diver uses the moisture sensor according to the rebreather manufacturer's instructions.

(e) The employer must ensure that each rebreather contains a continuously functioning CO2 sensor in the breathing loop, and that:

(i) The rebreather manufacturer approves the location of the CO2 sensor in the breathing loop;

(ii) The CO2 sensor is integrated with an alarm that operates in a visual (e.g., digital, graphic, analog) or auditory (e.g., voice, pure tone) mode that is readily detectable by each diver under the diving conditions in which the diver operates; and

(iii) The CO2 alarm remains continuously activated when the inhaled CO2 level reaches and exceeds 0.005 atmospheres absolute (ATA).

(f) Before each day's diving operations, and more often when necessary, the employer must calibrate the CO2 sensor according to the sensor manufacturer's instructions, and ensure that:

(i) The equipment and procedures used to perform this calibration are accurate to within 10% of a CO2 concentration of 0.005 ATA or less;

(ii) The equipment and procedures maintain this accuracy as required by the sensor manufacturer's instructions; and

(iii) The calibration of the CO2 sensor is accurate to within 10% of a CO2 concentration of 0.005 ATA or less.

(g) The employer must replace the CO2 sensor when it fails to meet the accuracy requirements specified in paragraph 1(f)(iii) of this appendix, and ensure that the replacement CO2 sensor meets the accuracy requirements specified in paragraph 1(f)(iii) of this appendix before placing the rebreather in operation.

(h) As an alternative to using a continuously functioning CO2 sensor, the employer may use a schedule for replacing CO2-sorbent material provided by the rebreather manufacturer. The employer may use such a schedule only when the rebreather manufacturer has developed it according to the canister-testing protocol specified below in Condition 11, and must use the canister within the temperature range for which the manufacturer conducted its scrubber canister tests following that protocol. Variations above or below the range are acceptable only after the manufacturer adds that lower or higher temperature to the protocol.

(i) When using CO2-sorbent replacement schedules, the employer must ensure that each rebreather uses a manufactured (i.e., commercially pre-packed), disposable scrubber cartridge containing a CO2-sorbent material that:

(i) Is approved by the rebreather manufacturer;

(ii) Removes CO2 from the diver's exhaled gas; and

(iii) Maintains the CO2 level in the breathable gas (i.e., the gas that a diver inhales directly from the regulator) below a partial pressure of 0.01 ATA.

(j) As an alternative to manufactured, disposable scrubber cartridges, the employer may fill CO2 scrubber cartridges manually with CO2-sorbent material when:

(i) The rebreather manufacturer permits manual filling of scrubber cartridges;

(ii) The employer fills the scrubber cartridges according to the rebreather manufacturer's instructions;

(iii) The employer replaces the CO2-sorbent material using a replacement schedule developed under paragraph 1(h) of this appendix; and

(iv) The employer demonstrates that manual filling meets the requirements specified in paragraph 1(i) of this appendix.

(k) The employer must ensure that each rebreather has an information module that provides:

(i) A visual (e.g., digital, graphic, analog) or auditory (e.g., voice, pure tone) display that effectively warns the diver of solenoid failure (when the rebreather uses solenoids) and other electrical weaknesses or failures (e.g., low battery voltage);

(ii) For a semi-closed circuit rebreather, a visual display for the partial pressure of CO2, or deviations above and below a preset CO2 partial pressure of 0.005 ATA; and

(iii) For a closed-circuit rebreather, a visual display for: partial pressures of O2 and CO2, or deviations above and below a preset CO2 partial pressure of 0.005 ATA and a preset O2 partial pressure of 1.40 ATA or lower; gas temperature in the breathing loop; and water temperature.

(l) Before each day's diving operations, and more often when necessary, the employer must ensure that the electrical power supply and electrical and electronic circuits in each rebreather are operating as required by the rebreather manufacturer's instructions.

2. Special Requirements for Closed-Circuit Rebreathers

(a) The employer must ensure that each closed-circuit rebreather uses supply-pressure sensors for the O2 and diluent (i.e., air or nitrogen) gases and continuously functioning sensors for detecting temperature in the inhalation side of the gas-loop and the ambient water.

(b) The employer must ensure that:

(i) At least two O2 sensors are located in the inhalation side of the breathing loop; and

(ii) The O2 sensors are: functioning continuously; temperature compensated; and approved by the rebreather manufacturer.

(c) Before each day's diving operations, and more often when necessary, the employer must calibrate O2 sensors as required by the sensor manufacturer's instructions. In doing so, the employer must:

(i) Ensure that the equipment and procedures used to perform the calibration are accurate to within 1% of the O2 fraction by volume;

(ii) Maintain this accuracy as required by the manufacturer of the calibration equipment;

(iii) Ensure that the sensors are accurate to within 1% of the O2 fraction by volume;

(iv) Replace O2 sensors when they fail to meet the accuracy requirements specified in paragraph 2(c)(iii) of this appendix; and

(v) Ensure that the replacement O2 sensors meet the accuracy requirements specified in paragraph 2(c)(iii) of this appendix before placing a rebreather in operation.

(d) The employer must ensure that each closed-circuit rebreather has:

(i) A gas-controller package with electrically operated solenoid O2-supply valves;

(ii) A pressure-activated regulator with a second-stage diluent-gas addition valve;

(iii) A manually operated gas-supply bypass valve to add O2 or diluent gas to the breathing loop; and

(iv) Separate O2 and diluent-gas cylinders to supply the breathing-gas mixture.

3. O2 Concentration in the Breathing Gas

The employer must ensure that the fraction of O2 in the nitrox breathing-gas mixture:

(a) Is greater than the fraction of O2 in compressed air (i.e., exceeds 22% by volume);

(b) For open-circuit SCUBA, never exceeds a maximum fraction of breathable O2 of 40% by volume or a maximum O2 partial pressure of 1.40 ATA, whichever exposes divers to less O2; and

(c) For a rebreather, never exceeds a maximum O2 partial pressure of 1.40 ATA.

4. Regulating O2 Exposures and Diving Depth

(a) Regarding O2 exposure, the employer must:

(i) Ensure that the exposure of each diver to partial pressures of O2 between 0.60 and 1.40 ATA does not exceed the 24-hour single-exposure time limits specified either by the 2001 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Diving Manual (the “2001 NOAA Diving Manual”), or by the report entitled “Enriched Air Operations and Resource Guide” published in 1995 by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (known commonly as the “1995 DSAT Oxygen Exposure Table”); and

(ii) Determine a diver's O2-exposure duration using the diver's maximum O2 exposure (partial pressure of O2) during the dive and the total dive time (i.e., from the time the diver leaves the surface until the diver returns to the surface).

(b) Regardless of the diving equipment used, the employer must ensure that no diver exceeds a depth of 130 feet of sea water (“fsw”) or a maximum O2 partial pressure of 1.40 ATA, whichever exposes the diver to less O2.

5. Use of No-Decompression Limits

(a) For diving conducted while using nitrox breathing-gas mixtures, the employer must ensure that each diver remains within the no-decompression limits specified for single and repetitive air diving and published in the 2001 NOAA Diving Manual or the report entitled “Development and Validation of No-Stop Decompression Procedures for Recreational Diving: The DSAT Recreational Dive Planner,” published in 1994 by Hamilton Research Ltd. (known commonly as the “1994 DSAT No-Decompression Tables”).

(b) An employer may permit a diver to use a dive-decompression computer designed to regulate decompression when the dive-decompression computer uses the no-decompression limits specified in paragraph 5(a) of this appendix, and provides output that reliably represents those limits.

6. Mixing and Analyzing the Breathing Gas

(a) The employer must ensure that:

(i) Properly trained personnel mix nitrox-breathing gases, and that nitrogen is the only inert gas used in the breathing-gas mixture; and

(ii) When mixing nitrox-breathing gases, they mix the appropriate breathing gas before delivering the mixture to the breathing-gas cylinders, using the continuous-flow or partial-pressure mixing techniques specified in the 2001 NOAA Diving Manual, or using a filter-membrane system.

(b) Before the start of each day's diving operations, the employer must determine the O2 fraction of the breathing-gas mixture using an O2 analyzer. In doing so, the employer must:

(i) Ensure that the O2 analyzer is accurate to within 1% of the O2 fraction by volume.

(ii) Maintain this accuracy as required by the manufacturer of the analyzer.

(c) When the breathing gas is a commercially supplied nitrox breathing-gas mixture, the employer must ensure that the O2 meets the medical USP specifications (Type I, Quality Verification Level A) or aviator's breathing-oxygen specifications (Type I, Quality Verification Level E) of CGA G-4.3-2000 (“Commodity Specification for Oxygen”). In addition, the commercial supplier must:

(i) Determine the O2 fraction in the breathing-gas mixture using an analytic method that is accurate to within 1% of the O2 fraction by volume;

(ii) Make this determination when the mixture is in the charged tank and after disconnecting the charged tank from the charging apparatus;

(iii) Include documentation of the O2-analysis procedures and the O2 fraction when delivering the charged tanks to the employer.

(d) Before producing nitrox breathing-gas mixtures using a compressor in which the gas pressure in any system component exceeds 125 pounds per square inch (psi), the:

(i) Compressor manufacturer must provide the employer with documentation that the compressor is suitable for mixing high-pressure air with the highest O2 fraction used in the nitrox breathing-gas mixture when operated according to the manufacturer's operating and maintenance specifications;

(ii) Employer must comply with paragraph 6(e) of this appendix, unless the compressor is rated for O2 service and is oil-less or oil-free; and

(iii) Employer must ensure that the compressor meets the requirements specified in paragraphs (i)(1) and (i)(2) of § 1910.430 whenever the highest O2 fraction used in the mixing process exceeds 40%.

(e) Before producing nitrox breathing-gas mixtures using an oil-lubricated compressor to mix high-pressure air with O2, and regardless of the gas pressure in any system component, the:

(i) Employer must use only uncontaminated air (i.e., air containing no hydrocarbon particulates) for the nitrox breathing-gas mixture;

(ii) Compressor manufacturer must provide the employer with documentation that the compressor is suitable for mixing the high-pressure air with the highest O2 fraction used in the nitrox breathing-gas mixture when operated according to the manufacturer's operating and maintenance specifications;

(iii) Employer must filter the high-pressure air to produce O2-compatible air;

(iv) The filter-system manufacturer must provide the employer with documentation that the filter system used for this purpose is suitable for producing O2-compatible air when operated according to the manufacturer's operating and maintenance specifications; and

(v) Employer must continuously monitor the air downstream from the filter for hydrocarbon contamination.

(f) The employer must ensure that diving equipment using nitrox breathing-gas mixtures or pure O2 under high pressure (i.e., exceeding 125 psi) conforms to the O2-service requirements specified in paragraphs (i)(1) and (i)(2) of § 1910.430.

7. Emergency Egress

(a) Regardless of the type of diving equipment used by a diver (i.e., open-circuit SCUBA or rebreathers), the employer must ensure that the equipment contains (or incorporates) an open-circuit emergency-egress system (a “bail-out” system) in which the second stage of the regulator connects to a separate supply of emergency breathing gas, and the emergency breathing gas consists of air or the same nitrox breathing-gas mixture used during the dive.

(b) As an alternative to the “bail-out” system specified in paragraph 7(a) of this appendix, the employer may use:

(i) For open-circuit SCUBA, an emergency-egress system as specified in § 1910.424(c)(4); or

(ii) For a semi-closed-circuit and closed-circuit rebreather, a system configured so that the second stage of the regulator connects to a reserve supply of emergency breathing gas.

(c) The employer must obtain from the rebreather manufacturer sufficient information to ensure that the bail-out system performs reliably and has sufficient capacity to enable the diver to terminate the dive and return safely to the surface.

8. Treating Diving-Related Medical Emergencies

(a) Before each day's diving operations, the employer must:

(i) Verify that a hospital, qualified health-care professionals, and the nearest Coast Guard Coordination Center (or an equivalent rescue service operated by a state, county, or municipal agency) are available to treat diving-related medical emergencies;

(ii) Ensure that each dive site has a means to alert these treatment resources in a timely manner when a diving-related medical emergency occurs; and

(iii) Ensure that transportation to a suitable decompression chamber is readily available when no decompression chamber is at the dive site, and that this transportation can deliver the injured diver to the decompression chamber within four (4) hours travel time from the dive site.

(b) The employer must ensure that portable O2 equipment is available at the dive site to treat injured divers. In doing so, the employer must ensure that:

(i) The equipment delivers medical-grade O2 that meets the requirements for medical USP oxygen (Type I, Quality Verification Level A) of CGA G-4.3-2000 (“Commodity Specification for Oxygen”);

(ii) The equipment delivers this O2 to a transparent mask that covers the injured diver's nose and mouth; and

(iii) Sufficient O2 is available for administration to the injured diver from the time the employer recognizes the symptoms of a diving-related medical emergency until the injured diver reaches a decompression chamber for treatment.

(c) Before each day's diving operations, the employer must:

(i) Ensure that at least two attendants, either employees or non-employees, qualified in first-aid and administering O2 treatment, are available at the dive site to treat diving-related medical emergencies; and

(ii) Verify their qualifications for this task.

9. Diving Logs and No-Decompression Tables

(a) Before starting each day's diving operations, the employer must:

(i) Designate an employee or a non-employee to make entries in a diving log; and

(ii) Verify that this designee understands the diving and medical terminology, and proper procedures, for making correct entries in the diving log.

(b) The employer must:

(i) Ensure that the diving log conforms to the requirements specified by paragraph (d) (“Record of dive”) of § 1910.423; and

(ii) Maintain a record of the dive according to § 1910.440 (“Recordkeeping requirements”).

(c) The employer must ensure that a hard-copy of the no-decompression tables used for the dives (as specified in paragraph 6(a) of this appendix) is readily available at the dive site, whether or not the divers use dive-decompression computers.

10. Diver Training

The employer must ensure that each diver receives training that enables the diver to perform work safely and effectively while using open-circuit SCUBAs or rebreathers supplied with nitrox breathing-gas mixtures. Accordingly, each diver must be able to demonstrate the ability to perform critical tasks safely and effectively, including, but not limited to: recognizing the effects of breathing excessive CO2 and O2; taking appropriate action after detecting excessive levels of CO2 and O2; and properly evaluating, operating, and maintaining their diving equipment under the diving conditions they encounter.

11. Testing Protocol for Determining the CO2 Limits of Rebreather Canisters

(a) The employer must ensure that the rebreather manufacturer has used the following procedures for determining that the CO2-sorbent material meets the specifications of the sorbent material's manufacturer:

(i) The North Atlantic Treating Organization CO2 absorbent-activity test;

(ii) The RoTap shaker and nested-sieves test;

(iii) The Navy Experimental Diving Unit (“NEDU”)-derived Schlegel test; and

(iv) The NEDU MeshFit software.

(b) The employer must ensure that the rebreather manufacturer has applied the following canister-testing materials, methods, procedures, and statistical analyses:

(i) Use of a nitrox breathing-gas mixture that has an O2 fraction maintained at 0.28 (equivalent to 1.4 ATA of O2 at 130 fsw, the maximum O2 concentration permitted at this depth);

(ii) While operating the rebreather at a maximum depth of 130 fsw, use of a breathing machine to continuously ventilate the rebreather with breathing gas that is at 100% humidity and warmed to a temperature of 98.6 degrees F (37 degrees C) in the heating-humidification chamber;

(iii) Measurement of the O2 concentration of the inhalation breathing gas delivered to the mouthpiece;

(iv) Testing of the canisters using the three ventilation rates listed in Table I below (with the required breathing-machine tidal volumes and frequencies, and CO2-injection rates, provided for each ventilation rate):

Table I - Canister Testing Parameters

Ventilation rates (Lpm, ATPS 1) Breathing machine
tidal volumes (L)
Breathing machine
(breaths per min.)
CO2 injection rates
(Lpm, STPD 2)
22.5 1.5 15 0.90
40.0 2.0 20 1.35
62.5 2.5 25 2.25